Peeing in the providers shower

Guest101610-2's Avatar
Ya you've done it. I know it, you know it and now every other provider knows it. No big deal. However..... Taking the water bottle given to you to drink out of and filling it up with your pee and LEAVING it on the tub for me to knock over and drinch myself with IN FRONT OF A CLIENT is just not cool dude.

Oh and the soap dish in the shower is meant for soap not ANYTHING else.
Damn girl---sorry to hear about your Fountain of Sorrow. Might be time to do a little spring cleaning on that client list.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
He was a bit strang T. But men are inherently gross anyway. I guess you should take away from this to remember to throw the grossness away. Chicks don't dig gross. Well... Not THAT gross.
SweetKendall's Avatar
wtf .. im sorry hun
OMG, seriously! traditionally the shower is in pretty close range of the toilet, he could not open the shower curtain and aim for the bowl?

Sorry you had an unpleasant surprise waiting for you
ANONONE's Avatar
Okay, so explain to me again why so many hot providers are in Texas with stuff like that going on? That would never happen to you in Ohio. You ladies should travel up here where you will be appreciated!
This has to be a joke right? I know we are pretty gross, but this is way past that. How do you even get to that point where you think that doing that would be a good idea? I can't believe some of the things that I find out from this site. I wonder about the things going on that are not even posted. Crazy!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Maybe he didn't want to pee in your shower and was to soapy to get out and use the toilet. Reguardless he could have put a freakin lid on it. Even better he should have disposed of it properly for you. I would have been PISSED! LOL!

Sorry I couldn't resist....
Traveler64's Avatar
Hear ye, hear ye all newbies.

This is why I always read Kayla's posts. They can be educational, hilarious, and maybe even gross to some. But they are often classics - the stuff you've never read before no matter how long you've been around.

Pissin' in a bottle? I thought us gross guys only did that on a cold winter's night up north with snow on the ground and a 100 ft walk to the outhouse out back. (BTW. I didn't make this up.)
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Wait a minute...

he pissed into a bottle when he had a perfectly good shower at his disposal?

Sorry babe but some of us fuggers have manners.

That would be kind of a mood breaker for client #2, huh?
Pistolero's Avatar
Sofaking, those were my thoughts, exactly. !
1animal's Avatar
OK Wait a minute. How in the hell did he hit a tiny opening in a bottle? I have trouble hitting the big bowl. He had to get some on him. So strange.

Maybe Kayla has switched to wide mouth bottles like some of the sport drinks.
cookie man's Avatar
I guess there's a pretty slim chance he thought he was at the urologist.
But there is hope for us guys...
You know, I figured every freaked out situation between the other board and this place would have been experienced and explained by now.....I was wrong.
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 01-14-2010, 10:47 AM
Your title "Peeing in the providers shower" is misleading. It should have read "Peeing into a narrow neck bottle while in the provider's shower." The guy was considerate enough to pee into a bottle - a narrow neck bottle at that to avoid easy spillage while moving the bottle. If he was really inconsiderate, he would have just gone in the shower. For all we know, the intent could have been to pour it into the toilet. Just goes to show you how considerate men can be.

The link that cookie man provided just proves the point that men are so evolved that women just don't have the capability to appreciate men. And since the rate of evolution of men is higher than that of women, women never will be able to catch up unless they have a built in switch that triggers supersonic evolution after they actually realize the superiority of man. Until then it is just condescending "men are strange creatures, when will they ever grow up" thoughts and discussions.

So sue him for being forgetful... not for malicious intent.