monthly agreements

  • rjtp
  • 04-26-2023, 10:17 PM
Wanted to get your thoughts on monthly agreements with providers. How does it work. What cost am i looking at and how many visits. Pros and cons. Does monthly agreement give any benefits vs pay per visit.
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
Sounds like a good way to get burned.
As BBQ said it's a good way to get burned and also controlled. You give a provider money up front they may and some will start coming up with excuses not to see you as much as you would get to see them more on a pay per ride. It's also a way to make a enemy out of a provider you enjoy seeing. It's all about the money
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
As BBQ said it's a good way to get burned and also controlled. You give a provider money up front they may and some will start coming up with excuses not to see you as much as you would get to see them more on a pay per ride. It's also a way to make a enemy out of a provider you enjoy seeing. It's all about the money Originally Posted by badboy45tfm
...what he said. I was just too lazy too say all that lol.
I have had a couple, but to be honest I would be very cautious. One has been a very good match. The other started out fine, then got a little flakey, then stable, then poof.
  • rjtp
  • 04-28-2023, 07:08 PM
thank you all for your input.
JackJohnson's Avatar
So it could be a great way to put together something beneficial.

The problem is most girls who you talk to about those arrangements are usually rinsing you for a big chunk because they need it (car, etc.) and have little incentive to follow through. Whatcha gon' do, sue me? (/s)

My tip would be, if she isn't in a stable living situation, RED FLAG, the hotel hamster wheel crew is therefore excluded, that solves a lot of the hustler problem. Which is what the real issue is. Most of the girls you talk to anymore aren't escorts, they're hustlers "Tryin get paid yo" like they have some talent they are sharing with the world. Most aren't talented at all

Anyway, that's where it starts, stability (custody of kids, stable home, etc.) is probably the best place I can suggest you start. No guarantees like the rest are pointing out, but that's a start.