Hitting milestones

Do you keep track of the number of providers/clients you have seen? If so, do you ever do anything above and beyond when you get to a milestone?
I am on my 49th so my next will be 50 and I am thinking about celebrating that milestone?
Any ideas?
Congratulations, go celebrate.
My 50th provider I was probably in my 20s. So, hell no. I lost count a few decades ago.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
Congrats...14 posts in 9 years...You Da Man!
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Congrats...14 posts in 9 years...You Da Man! Originally Posted by DownForWhatever
And 1 review.
We really don’t know about the other 48.
But to celebrate. Go get a full panel test done.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Lost count after 300 since i started the world of debauchery in 2004. All I know is ai can celebrate that I never got Cooties from any of them. Did get the Flu twice and strep throat a few times from some, so I count myself lucky. Yay Me!
pmdelites's Avatar
unless the encounter is gonna be something extra deliteful, it's just another encounter, another provider.

i do keep a list of providers i've cumsulted w/ over the years, but i quit counting after 5 yrs. and it's almost been 24 yrs :^}
Hobbyman's Avatar
Have been in the hobby a little over 20 years. I have over 250 individual pictures and videos of the ladies I've seen. I figure conservatively they account for about half the ladies I've actually seen. Commemorated my 100th with a visit to a HDH lady that was well outside of my usual price point. Turned out to be a disappointment and have not done it since. Have totally lost track now so milestones are no longer an issue.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Do you keep track of the number of providers/clients you have seen? If so, do you ever do anything above and beyond when you get to a milestone?
I am on my 49th so my next will be 50 and I am thinking about celebrating that milestone?
Any ideas? Originally Posted by bryunsmith
One another note. Don't add up how much you've spent. That'll bust the bubble on that milestone.

in 2015 I did math and about had a stroke. We don't think about it when we do it. Even when the lovely ladies were $175-$200 hr or those $100 quickies and B&Gs added up quick. There was a dark time in my hobby life I was seeing 2-4 per week for many months ranging from $100-$250 per visit.

I rarely remember the best, sometimes reminisce on the average, but always remember the worst.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I used to keep track of the numbers simply for provider OKs on P411. Now that I have my favs (which most are not even on p411), I do not worry about it anymore.
jajake56's Avatar
I didn't always keep track but when I started I went back and tried to remember all I had seen. Total is around 120 now after 20+ years of mongering. Not a huge number but I have done as much as I could afford with both time and money. Now that the kids are older and leaving the house, I'll have more time and money to hobby.