Senate Dems - Karma's a bitch

Another bright idea from the Senate Dem Committee seems to be backfiring.

Apparently, they thought it a good idea to post a Twitter poll asking if people want more judges like Kavanaugh or Ginsburg.

Kavanaugh currently WINNING with almost 70% to less that 30% for Ginsburg.

Hope the Dems continue to push their rhetoric about wanting to change the composition of and "pack" the courts.

More self destruction.
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you mean the Dems don't want a pussy grabbing, beer guzzling Judge?


But it's ok with Obaminable...or it used to be!!!!!!!!!!!!

... "birds of a feather" .... "the boys having a brew"!!!!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yup need more origininalist/textualist judges and fewer modernist judges.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You have to have a Twitter account to vote:
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ok I voted!
ok I voted! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
So Twitter knows who to ban next!

Poll has been deleted.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Poll has been deleted. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Funny how that happened before it was even complete.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Funny how that happened before it was even complete. Originally Posted by eccielover

undoubtedly, that was a big fail of epic porportions!

wouldn't be surprised that this makes the news in right wing outlets like Townhall, brietbart.

I don't know why covering twitter is news...
I B Hankering's Avatar
undoubtedly, that was a big fail of epic porportions!

wouldn't be surprised that this makes the news in right wing outlets like Townhall, brietbart.

I don't know why covering twitter is news... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The "news" is about Senate dim-retards initiating a poll on Twitter that blew up in their face. It's not about Twitter.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The "news" is about Senate dim-retards initiating a poll on Twitter that blew up in their face. It's not about Twitter. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

aside from the blow up....

the media has been covering comments in facebook & twitter as if they were news. that was a new thing that started I think 5 years ago.

I think they haven't really thought things thru or the software they're using hasn't caught up yet to proper news format.
This is really about the lack of "SELF-AWARENESS" on the left.
I don't know whether the left is totally disconnected from the pulse of the American people as a whole or they're just living in a bubble.
Hell just look at the poll on the impeachment issue...this ain't stopping them...
They have FULL support of the drive-bys...I hope they would go off the cliff together.
lustylad's Avatar
...the media has been covering comments in facebook & twitter as if they were news. that was a new thing that started I think 5 years ago... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
This helps explain why:

The majority of tweets come from a small group of “extremely active” Twitter users, a study from the Pew Research Center found.

About 80 percent of all tweets from U.S. Twitter users come from just 10 percent of users...

Twitter users also differ from the rest of the U.S. on some hot-button social issues.

They are more likely to say that black people are treated less fairly than white people, more likely to say that immigrants strengthen the country and more likely to agree that barriers in society make it more difficult for women to get ahead...
This helps explain why:

The majority of tweets come from a small group of “extremely active” Twitter users, a study from the Pew Research Center found.

About 80 percent of all tweets from U.S. Twitter users come from just 10 percent of users...

Twitter users also differ from the rest of the U.S. on some hot-button social issues.

They are more likely to say that black people are treated less fairly than white people, more likely to say that immigrants strengthen the country and more likely to agree that barriers in society make it more difficult for women to get ahead...
Originally Posted by lustylad
So your average Twitter user identifies Dem and yet this poll over several days continued to lean basically 70-30 in favor of Kavanaugh.

How can that be?
I don't know why covering twitter is news... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I've never understood this either. The local news stations say "Trending on Twitter" and that just takes eyes off the Action4 local news.

This helps explain why:

The majority of tweets come from a small group of “extremely active” Twitter users, a study from the Pew Research Center found.

About 80 percent of all tweets from U.S. Twitter users come from just 10 percent of users...

Twitter users also differ from the rest of the U.S. on some hot-button social issues.

They are more likely to say that black people are treated less fairly than white people, more likely to say that immigrants strengthen the country and more likely to agree that barriers in society make it more difficult for women to get ahead...
Originally Posted by lustylad
The Dems are falsely using the technology to build fake news fifedoms. Again, the dims use twitter, fb, and the MSM as outrage hubs.

Twitter constantly has to revise the number of actual users it has.