Ray Lewis

yankee13's Avatar
With ray Lewis retiring I wonder who are the next three linebackers the best
pyramider's Avatar
Some players are a once in a generation. Nitchske then Butkus then Singletary then Lewis then ...
Ain't no list without LT

Ain't no list without LT

Originally Posted by whosdair
And a fellow hobbyest.....although he needs to do a better job of checking the age of the provider first
9ers Willis & Bowman.
Icky shuffle,, reminds me of icky(eccie)
pyramider's Avatar
LT was an outside linebacker. The ones I mentioned were all inside linebackers.

The Drummer's Avatar
Courtesy of Wiki http://www.eccie.net/newreply.php?do=postreply&t=639622

Theismann's career ended on November 18, 1985 when he suffered a comminutedcompound fracture of his leg while being sacked by New York Giants linebackers Lawrence Taylor and Harry Carson during a Monday Night Football game telecast. The injury was voted the NFL's "Most Shocking Moment in History" by viewers in an ESPN poll, and the tackle was dubbed "The Hit That No One Who Saw It Can Ever Forget" by The Washington Post.[14]
At the time, the Redskins had been attempting to run a "flea-flicker" play. The Giants' defense, however, was not fooled, and they tried to blitz Theismann. As Taylor pulled Theismann down, Taylor's knee came down and drove straight into Theismann's lower right leg, fracturing both the tibia and the fibula. Giants linebackers Gary Reasons and Harry Carson then joined Taylor in the sack.
"It was at that point, I also found out what a magnificent machine the human body is", Theismann said. "Almost immediately, from the knee down, all the feeling was gone in my right leg. The endorphins had kicked in, and I was not in pain."[14]
As Theismann lay on the field, a horrified Taylor frantically screamed and waved for emergency medical technicians. Initially, however, many Redskins personnel thought Taylor's screaming and pointing directed at their sidelines was a taunt over the fact that he had successfully stopped their play. Taylor has said that his animated behavior was largely a claustrophobic reaction to having been trapped at the bottom of the pile that followed his tackle.[15] The Monday Night Football announcer team (composed of Frank Gifford, O. J. Simpson and Joe Namath) inferred from the start that Taylor was calling for help.
While initially only the players on the field could see the extent of the damage to Theismann's leg, the reverse-angle instant replay provided a clearer view of what had actually happened—Theismann's lower leg bones were broken midway between his knee and his ankle, such that his leg from his foot to his mid-shin was lying flat against the ground while the upper part of his shin up to his knee was at a 45-degree angle to the lower part of his leg.
The compound fracture of the tibia led to insufficient bone growth during Theismann's recovery, leaving his right leg shorter than his left. As a result, the injury forced Theismann into retirement at the age of 36. Theismann has never blamed Lawrence Taylor for his injury. Taylor has said that he has never viewed video of the play in which he injured Theismann and never wants to.[citation needed]
This injury was highlighted in the film The Blind Side as the reason that, after the quarterback, one of the highest paid football players is the left tackle, who protects a righthanded quarterback's blind side.

I've heard a story Theismann tells of the closest thing to a light-hearted moment coming from the event of all this. Upon running out to the field, Joe Gibbs kneels next to Theisman and says, "Joe, why'd you do this to me? What the hell am I gonna do now?

If you watch footage of the injury; the worst part is when Theisman looks down at his leg and reacts in horror.
pyramider's Avatar
I remember that game.

Greg Pruitt of the original Cleveland Browns broke his femur crossing the goal line. Just seeing the bone poke thru his hamstring and stretch his pants. He came back the next year but was never the dynamic running back he was prior to the injury.
The Drummer's Avatar
I remember that game.

Greg Pruitt of the original Cleveland Browns broke his femur crossing the goal line. Just seeing the bone poke thru his hamstring and stretch his pants. He came back the next year but was never the dynamic running back he was prior to the injury. Originally Posted by pyramider
I remember Pruitt, but not the injury. "Early onset dimentia!" That's definately a horrendous, career-ender.
Who was darkest?

The Drummer's Avatar
Who was darkest?
Hard to tell.

Originally Posted by whosdair