American Exceptionalism is Arrogance

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Really, do we want to go around insisting that we are exceptional? Are we better than everyone else? Don't you remember hating the big, swaggering bully who pushed people around on the playground. It makes people want to bring you down a notch when you say you are better than them. It makes them want to get even, it makes them hate you.
We should quit kicking the world's hornet's nests, and start taking care of the poor, tired huddled masses we already have here.
LovingKayla's Avatar
While I don't disagree with your statement, I'm the single most exceptional blow job artist in this forum. Oh shit Wait.. I forgot about yassup. My bad.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Slunt alert!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You are mistaken. This is not about a person's exceptionalism. This is, and always has been, about the country's exceptionalism.
Your post shows you are ignorant and don't understand the concept of "American Exceptionalism ".

It is about America being unique in its form of government and founding principles of individual rights and freedoms.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They never get it. The commies cant stand it.
I think it is something that they do not like, having something that exists that is greater than themselves.
The commies have been working for over a hundred years to destroy that very exceptionalism that they cannot stand.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-18-2013, 06:03 AM
American Exceptionalism is rooted in it's natural resources. Without this new shale play we were headed foe the way of Rome and England. Still are, some on here just do not understand history and the projections of empires.

What I also find ignorant from some of you Tea Tards is how you think half the country is a lazy bunch of rif-raf yet the country is so exceptional. What you idiots are saying is that you conservatives (and only the Ted Cruz conservatives at that) are exceptional.

I think you folks are exceptionally stupid on the subject of American Exceptionalism is WTF I think.

AE is both myth and reality...but it is NOT arrogance...

BTW, the phrase "AE " was originally coined by marxist Stalin.

Sadly the notion of American Exceptionalism is dying out, a result of the combination of expansive government that wants to regulate more aspects of our individual lives....and a population that isn't educated on the historical significance of Amrrican excellence...the more elements of our lives the national government regulates, the more likely it is that the government will intrude on atters that individuals regard as fundamental questions of conscience...the end of AE.
Through much of its history, the United States *WAS* exceptional, in ways that are not completely obvious.

When Alexis de Toqueville came over, to see this new country, he found something that shocked him to his very core. He found something that was utterly incomprehensible to him, utterly foreign to his experiences in Europe, which was at that time considered the center of the civilized universe, the pinnacle of human civilization.

What he found, in America, was a land in which every person he met, LITERALLY every man Jack, woman, and child, could read. Fluently. Literally everyone. 100% literacy.

This was unheard-of in Europe at the time.

Of course, with the advent of teacher's colleges and modern education, we have successfully destroyed that legacy, and we are doing everything in our power to ensure that our rulers will never again be cursed with anything even remotely resembling an educated, informed electorate.
Your reference to commies is spot on..........
The actual term “American exceptionalism” was originally coined by Marxists who wished to explain why the US seemed to have by-passed the rise of socialism and Marxism

They never get it. The commies cant stand it.
I think it is something that they do not like, having something that exists that is greater than themselves.
The commies have been working for over a hundred years to destroy that very exceptionalism that they cannot stand. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Your reference to commies is spot on..........
The actual term “American exceptionalism” was originally coined by Marxists who wished to explain why the US seemed to have by-passed the rise of socialism and Marxism
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well, ok, I didn't realize that was the original usage of the term, but it has morphed into us being better than everyone else. Whether the liberals thinking we are better than the "less evolved" or conservatives recalling the glory days and lamenting our obvious downfall, it has devolved into arrogance.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You are mistaken. This is not about a person's exceptionalism. This is, and always has been, about the country's exceptionalism. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I would say that it is "former exceptionalism" that has slowly died out. Since it is no longer true, what was once ungracious bragging now amounts to clueless cheerleading. That I could live with, if it didn't lead to a public policy where we have to save the world.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
While I don't disagree with your statement, I'm the single most exceptional blow job artist in this forum. Oh shit Wait.. I forgot about yassup. My bad. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I hear Assup has blown so many guys he has lost count!
You continue to post from an uninformed/ignorant view of what AE is. I suggest you read up on AE and then post.

For Americans to believe in AE isn't arrogance. AE isn't about bragging rights. But Obama and Putin would have you believe AE can be reduced to such a simpleton notion.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Got your ass handed to you and had to back off, eh, Rocky? But at least you had to talk about your second favorite subject, gay sex. maybe that's why you only duck defenseless slave girls. maybe that's why your shrunk is a woman. You're a fucking mess, Sybil!

And 2Dogs, try READING before bloviating yet another preprogrammed set of talking points. You're not arrogant. You're ignorant.