Snowden and Alexis Prove Teawipe Paranoid Idiocy

Randy4Candy's Avatar
It was only a matter of time before all of the flailing around on the floor with hair on fire about "Government Spying on Average Citizens" caught up with the Teawipe Paranoiacs.

One would think with all of the thousands of drones, security cameras, data mining, internet, facebook, tweeter, social media and otherwise general spying on the citizenry (not to mention background checks), that our fearless, intrusive, soon-to-be Big Brother Government of These United States of Amerika could have figured out that these two asswhole government sub-contractor employees were fruitcakes and generally pieces of shee-yut.

HOWEVER, none of the countless methods of covering every move each one of us makes - a situation of "fact" made much of by the local Tewaipe cadre of Trendy, IBS/OAB, Mopboy, gritsboy, ETX_Rig-Hand, Glenna, T2Nutlickers, Jacques S, and a few others whose handles escape me - seems to have been able to ferret-face Frank Burns out these two numbskulls.

I guess that those evil geniuses in the gumment need to up their game somewhat, eh? This kind of makes the hysterical level of Teawipe paranoia regarding Obama looking up their skirts seem a little, shall we say, FUC*ED UP (think Lewis Black for the tone of this statement).

Or, is it just a case of low-bid private contractors performing the background checks and follow-ups on security clearances doing another bang-up job of saving us taxpayers' a lot of money? Hmmm, I guess competence costs extra.

In any case, you Teawipes LOSE - (again) *sigh*

This thread can otherwise be known as "The Gang Who Couldn't Shoot Straight Rides Again."

A winded rant with no point, no substance, nothing but diatribe. Not even entertaining.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
heh heh heh

Sports fans, the above announcement by Trendaway is brought to you by:

.(nothing but the sound of sucking wind and confusion)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
When did Snowden become a member of the Tea Party? He was never at any of the meetings. Boo! Candy Pants!
I B Hankering's Avatar
heh heh heh

.(nothing but the sound of sucking wind and confusion) Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
That's a very apt description of your OP, Randy4Andy.
Snowden voted for Obama according to news reports !

Randy is just a moron.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Snowden voted for Obama according to news reports !

Randy is just a moron. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Randy4Dicks is indeed a moron, because the private contractors rely on the USGovt for the security clearances!!!
lostincypress's Avatar
Randy4Dicks is indeed a moron, because the private contractors rely on the USGovt for the security clearances!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Maybe not all of them.

"The U.S. government is increasingly relying on contractors to conduct background investigations for security clearances like the top-secret access granted to Edward Snowden.
The ranks of contract workers helping to do background checks on contractors and federal employees swelled 15 percent to almost 6,800 last year from fiscal 2011, according to the Office of Personnel Management. The agency’s spending on investigative services jumped 16 percent to $474 million last year from fiscal 2009, according to data compiled by Bloomberg."
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-18-2013, 05:36 PM
Maybe not all of them.

"The U.S. government is increasingly relying on contractors to conduct background investigations for security clearances like the top-secret access granted to Edward Snowden.
The ranks of contract workers helping to do background checks on contractors and federal employees swelled 15 percent to almost 6,800 last year from fiscal 2011, according to the Office of Personnel Management. The agency’s spending on investigative services jumped 16 percent to $474 million last year from fiscal 2009, according to data compiled by Bloomberg." Originally Posted by lostincypress

D'OOOOOH ... JL proven to be a fuckin' moron, AGAIN !!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Only Trendaway in his infinite wisdom would glean from the OP that I was saying either Snowden or Alexis were Teawipes...ha ha ha! He's so bad at deflection that if that's all he can up with our worst opinions regarding his intellectual capacities don't begin to plumb the depths of his incompetence. Oh well, no news there.

Mopboy, get out the phony scrapbooks of all of your "accomplishments," stay in the janitors' closet and keep beating off to it.

Let me simplify all of this for the jewrish pissant and the rest of you loons: You don't have a clue what you are talking about (aka "the contractors relying on the gumment for security clearances" when the contractors have been hired to do all of vetting work) regarding this or any other subject requiring something other than regurgitating "what we all know to be 'true'" as planted in your poor little minds by the National Socialist Noise Network.

Your flimsy truthless rants are useless. The government you are self-admittedly "afraid" of can't even keep the narcissistic and the insane from getting mid level or higher security clearances so how can they spy on you little twits and "ruin" your lives? Hell, you guys are doing a good enough job by yourselves so why should the gumment worry about you? Truth be told, THAT'S what has your panties in a wad - you are way way far off of the radar and you can't handle the irrelevance.
Randy4Dingdongs can I get the cliff note version?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Randy4Dingdongs can I get the cliff note version? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What for? You couldn't understand that either - too many words over 5 letters.
What for? You couldn't understand that either - too many words over 5 letters. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
He understands the words "Sweet Ass" IIFFY extremely well.

When he hears those 3 words from his ATF, Hanoi COG, he cums a runnin'!
LovingKayla's Avatar
I think randy proves the very point we have been trying to make. This government shit DOESN'T work. You CAN'T control everything through choking surveillance. Arm every citizen and get the big fat ugly choking government out of our way and let's get back to being a normal free country.

I'd take my chances with a room full of chl's vs a coffee house that doesn't welcome the extra security.

Very good point randy.
No I said your OP was a waste if time.