It was only a matter of time before all of the flailing around on the floor with hair on fire about "Government Spying on Average Citizens" caught up with the Teawipe Paranoiacs.
One would think with all of the thousands of drones, security cameras, data mining, internet, facebook, tweeter, social media and otherwise general spying on the citizenry (not to mention background checks), that our fearless, intrusive, soon-to-be Big Brother Government of These United States of Amerika could have figured out that these two asswhole government sub-contractor employees were fruitcakes and generally pieces of shee-yut.
HOWEVER, none of the countless methods of covering every move each one of us makes - a situation of "fact" made much of by the local Tewaipe cadre of Trendy, IBS/OAB, Mopboy, gritsboy, ETX_Rig-Hand, Glenna, T2Nutlickers, Jacques S, and a few others whose handles escape me - seems to have been able to ferret-face Frank Burns out these two numbskulls.
I guess that those evil geniuses in the gumment need to up their game somewhat, eh? This kind of makes the hysterical level of Teawipe paranoia regarding Obama looking up their skirts seem a little, shall we say, FUC*ED UP (think Lewis Black for the tone of this statement).
Or, is it just a case of low-bid private contractors performing the background checks and follow-ups on security clearances doing another bang-up job of saving us taxpayers' a lot of money? Hmmm, I guess competence costs extra.
In any case, you Teawipes LOSE - (again) *sigh*
This thread can otherwise be known as "The Gang Who Couldn't Shoot Straight Rides Again."