Hang on to your wallets

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yesterday on Fox News Sunday (the cable choice for most people) they had a politician (Corker of TN, republican) and former Obama car czar (Rattner) floating the idea that with the price of gasoline dropping that they should consider raising the federal gas tax.

The federal gas tax is not a percentage, it is a solid, real number that is attached to every gallon of gas we buy. Their tax take is based on how much gas we buy not on how much the price of gasoline is. In fact, with gasoline prices dropping the usage (meaning the tax take) will go up. They just see an opportunity to gouge us more and when the price of gasoline goes up (as it did in 2009) do you think they will lower the tax? Not very damn likely.

In Kansas, the combined federal and state tax on gasoline is 43.4 cents a gallon of which 18.4 cents is federal.
In Missouri, the combined number is 35.7 cents a gallon.
In Texas, the combined number is 38.4 cents a gallon.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Couple of guys shooting the shit on a Faux News Sunday show and suddenly POTUS is gouging us with higher taxes? Hang in to our wallets?


That would be terrible. If it were true.

Please link to the bill that raises the federal gasoline tax and its current status.
Support money for roads and bridges, buy a gas hog.
Is this another Benghazi thread?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Couple of guys shooting the shit on a Faux News Sunday show and suddenly POTUS is gouging us with higher taxes? Hang in to our wallets?


That would be terrible. If it were true.

Please link to the bill that raises the federal gasoline tax and its current status. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
OK - I admit your Chris Christie thread highlights a funny situation - but I don't want to bump your thread so I will comment here and let you bump it yourself!

P.S. Fuck Obama's tax hike!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There is no tax hike, you lying piece of shit.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Could someone tell FuckZup that the new congress just went into session and no official bills have been put forward (you can't move something from a post congress into a new congress) until after they pick new leadership. As I already said (which FuckZup missed) this is Bob Corker and John Thune talking. Both republicans but there is an Obama acolyte who agrees with them.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Libtards are accustomed to not having prior knowledge of anything before they pass the bill. The fact that it is being discussed means that it is time to contact your representatives an express your desires for how they should respond.. The real problem is that we only have a single vote ourselves and most of us cannot contribute to their campaigns in the amounts that some lobbies can, we can still let them know what we believe as voters and constituents.

Sane people would rather know what is in it before it is proposed rather than to pass it to find out what is in it without real discussion and consideration. Eventually we will get our government back on the track it should be on but it will take time.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Could someone tell FuckZup that the new congress just went into session and no official bills have been put forward (you can't move something from a post congress into a new congress) until after they pick new leadership. As I already said (which FuckZup missed) this is Bob Corker and John Thune talking. Both republicans but there is an Obama acolyte who agrees with them. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Hey Assup - read the above if you can, you stupid faggot!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So what are you trying to say, JDIdiot? I'll keep it simple so you can understand.

Are you claiming that there IS a tax hike in the federal gas tax, but it just hasn't been filed yet? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! So basically, you're ready to put it all on the line to fight a bill that doesn't exist anywhere in any form. HAHAHAHAHAHAH.

When they file the bill, come back with your stupid screaming posts, JDIdiot.

Right now, you're simply lying. There IS no tax hike. There IS no bill. There wasn't one before the Christmas recess. And nobody has announced they will be filing one when Congress reconvenes.

Again, you're straight up lying JDIdiot because of a bs session you saw through a hangover on Faux News.

What's your point, JDIdiot? You and the boys ready to fight against a figment of your somewhat scarred imagination? Rock and roll. Liar!

PS -- "stupid faggot?" Great composition, IBHomo. Thanks for keeping it real.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Libtards are accustomed to not having prior knowledge of anything before they pass the bill. The fact that it is being discussed means that it is time to contact your representatives an express your desires for how they should respond.. The real problem is that we only have a single vote ourselves and most of us cannot contribute to their campaigns in the amounts that some lobbies can, we can still let them know what we believe as voters and constituents.

Sane people would rather know what is in it before it is proposed rather than to pass it to find out what is in it without real discussion and consideration. Eventually we will get our government back on the track it should be on but it will take time. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
There is no IT, is there, stupid?
rioseco's Avatar
Could someone tell FuckZup that the new congress just went into session and no official bills have been put forward (you can't move something from a post congress into a new congress) until after they pick new leadership. As I already said (which FuckZup missed) this is Bob Corker and John Thune talking. Both republicans but there is an Obama acolyte who agrees with them. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Yssup thinks like Pelosi, "you must pass the bill before we can see what's in it." Or if the bill isn't already written.... then it has never even been mentioned or thought of !
I spoke of this talk raising gasoline taxes in a thread previously and Yssup started the same shit with me.
"link this" "prove that" whine,snick, whine snort waaah, waah, waaaah ! Again more C.M.S. from her majesty Yssup.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yssup thinks like Pelosi, "you must pass the bill before we can see what's in it." Or if the bill isn't already written.... then it has never even been mentioned or thought of !
I spoke of this talk raising gasoline taxes in a thread previously and Yssup started the same shit with me.
"link this" "prove that" whine,snick, whine snort waaah, waah, waaaah ! Again more C.M.S. from her majesty Yssup. Originally Posted by rioseco

There is no bill.

There is no proposal.

There is no "Obama tax hike."

Even your butt buddy JDIdiot has admitted as much.

Are you a liar or just that fucking stupid? (rhetorical question, no need to answer, ignorant fuck)

Yssup Rider's Avatar
But just in case...

Get a Nissan Leaf!
Support money for roads and bridges, buy a gas hog. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Support money for the "Welfare State," buy a gas hog.