Eccie royal femily

I've been watching harry and Meghan on a ex provider Netflix(I recently saw an update for payment information so please boo get back to selling pussy because I ain't done with Queen of the South. Season 5 episode 1) Eccie is like the royal family. With providers it's like the royal family, don't do this, wear this, don't say this , be apart of this clique, these are the cool kids try to get accepted into the pussy buyers cool kid club, ymmv when honestly alot of ladies do shit they don't want to do with popular hobbyist because they know if they don't it's the end of their career

Ain't no ymmv, they don't want to kiss a dude they just met. A bunch of shit. I pride myself on truth. I'm going to g t pussy, foolishly I tried to fit in then got lambasted which wasn't fair because ever person who pm me asking for info I'm a wealth of knowledge

If this shit gets too difficult I'm out. I have no idea what fork you use to eat the salad so you honestly think I'm going to take the time to understand eccie pussy buying etiquette. Crazy. At that point I either fuck the chicks I got or jack off to the memories of
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Rinse repeat... dafuq is a FEMILY ?