Is the word Avatar masculine or feminine?

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  • 01-27-2010, 11:03 PM
Is Avatar Asexual?

I mean, I have been thinking about this a lot and trying to make a determination about this. Is the word Avatar asexual and is it used for too many purposes? I believe it is and I feel that rather than having a single word, we should have several derivations of the word. For example, I believe the word ... Avatar ... should be considered the masculine form of the word. If you look in the upper left hand corner of this post you will see my avatar ... I am a guy, therefore I believe the masculine form of the word should be avatar. Why, that's simple, because I called it first. Nuff said!

Now as to the ladies, if one of the ladies posts, a small picture will also appear in the upper left hand corner of her post and so as to avoid further confusion, I think we should call her little picture ... an Avatart... just for the ladies. It seems to work, right? And it is definitely a derivation of the word ... Avatar. Okay, so far so good.

However, the more I think about it, for us of us who are really old (and I am including myself in this lot) we could have an even more specific derivation of the word. We could call ours ... Avafarts.

This just makes such perfect sense to me. I say we put the new words into play. How about you?

OFF :-)

Somewhat related but not totally "This Lady Should be Someone's Avatar or Avafart" Photo.

Guest100610-2's Avatar
Avatar is Merely a symbol sent to represent another thing when the actual thing can't be there, especially in the case of gods and internet users. I am not sure if its meant for males or females. I think its Unisex.

" AVAFARTS " Thats too funny!! I however thing the word is quite Unisex and serves its meaning.

I am so distracted due to those amazing breast you have posted. Man those are amazing!
  • OFF
  • 01-28-2010, 08:19 AM
I am so distracted due to those amazing breast you have posted. Man those are amazing! Originally Posted by Kristin Keys
What breasts?

OFF :-)
Guest100610-2's Avatar
What breasts?

OFF :-)
Originally Posted by OFF
The ones you posted!!!!
spudd's Avatar
  • spudd
  • 01-28-2010, 08:35 PM
Strictly speaking, the word avatar in French is masculine.
Sensei's Avatar
Ok, so call me a nube but when I first started loging in to these type boards I figured the avatar was representative of the poster. Much to my chagrin I found myself strangely attracted to some users until I found out they were male...I still can't avert my eyes and naughty thoughts but now know to separate the avatar from the poster.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Actually, the word is neutral.

It has no set gender.

The way say Cloud or wheel can be considered either male or female.

They are neutral.
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  • 01-29-2010, 07:45 AM
I still like my suggestions:

Avatar - Male
Avatart - Female
Avafart - Old like me!
Guest012211-3's Avatar
I always like to call them ADvatars for the ladies...
i'm confused again, is mine masculine?
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  • 01-29-2010, 10:06 AM
i'm confused again, is mine masculine? Originally Posted by GRIPITRIPIT
See ... that's what I mean ... total confusion.

I knew there were other people dealing with this issue who were just too afraid to admit it.

OFF :-)

BTW - I thought it was "gripit&ripit" but that's a whole other discussion.

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