Nuru gel, $.10 per quart

412jay's Avatar
A friend introduced me to a revolutionary product for erotic adventurers: sodium alginate.

When thoroughly mixed with water, it turns to a slimy goop with incredible viscosity and longevity.

Its all-natural, food-grade "oil" that's safe in every human orifice.

You can have a bottomless supply of lube/massage oil for about 10 cents per quart.

Nuru massages for all!
There is no such thing as an oil substance that's safe for every human orifice.
Any oily substance overused on the body will coat the pores and disrupt normal bodily processes causing issues.

Folks used to think the sponge was safe
Talcum Powder was used liberally for many many years on millions of babies and adults.
Take a revolutionary PPI for heartburn everyday? Watch your liver.
Remember Vioxx? Once a highly regarded new OTC pain med marketed by athletes that disappeared from the shelves only after several thousand heart attacks.

It dangerous to assume that since it works well for you and you haven't experienced any issues to come on here and tout it's properties as though there are no worries for anyone.

412jay's Avatar
Sodium alginate has been used in foods and cosmetics for decades. Its recently gained popularity in food "spherification" (fake caviar and boba tea).

I've had a lot of fun with the stuff and wanted to share the info.

Sodium alginate may help improve weight loss when combined with a reduced-calorie diet, according to a study published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" in 2012. This supplement made from seaweed is also included in some antacids because the gel it forms can help protect your esophagus from stomach acid. Speak with your doctor before taking this supplement, however, as it may not be safe for everyone.

Gastrointestinal Side Effects

The side effects of sodium alginate tend to be gastrointestinal in nature and include bloating, diarrhea and nausea. It can also make you feel less hungry, which is why it might be helpful for weight loss. Sodium alginate forms a gel when you mix it with water, and this gel takes up room in your stomach -- just as a meal would. When you aren't feeling hungry, it's easier to cut calories.

Medication Interactions

Don't take sodium alginate at the same time as other antacid medications. Sodium alginate may interact with certain medications, including digoxin, levothyroxine, certain antibiotics, iron supplements and certain osteoporosis prevention medications. Depending on the medication, you'll need to take it from one to six hours earlier or later than you take sodium alginate to avoid these interactions.

Potential Contraindications

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has determined that sodium alginate is generally regarded as safe in the amounts typically consumed. But some types of alginates, when consumed in large amounts of 26 times more than the average alginate intake, appear to increase maternal mortality, so pregnant women may want to avoid sodium alginate. If your esophagus is inflamed, you should also avoid using sodium alginate, according to

Blood Pressure Considerations

Sodium alginate is high in sodium, with one dose potentially containing more than a gram of sodium. Those on low-sodium diets or with high blood pressure should avoid this supplement. Minimize your intake of sodium from other sources to decrease your risk for high blood pressure and heart attack if you take sodium alginate. The recommended daily limit for sodium is 2.3 grams for healthy people and 1.5 grams for people at increased risk for high blood pressure or heart disease.
412jay's Avatar
For a thick, maple syrupy consistency, I use 2.5 teaspoons per quart of water.

WARNING: If u chug the whole quart, u may experience GI related side effects and high blood pressure.

In lieu of ingesting it, I recommend that u use nuru gel in this manner:
Thanks for the 4-1-1, 412.
412jay's Avatar
Thanks for the 4-1-1, 412. Originally Posted by noginworking

I've gone thru a gallon of this stuff with multiple ppl and everyone loves it. I'd be glad to post specific instructions if anyone is interested. Or u can buy the Nurex premade gel at a ridiculous markup.
  • ron32
  • 11-03-2017, 05:47 AM
Nice way to slip and slide into the wrong hole