The United States is scheduled to draw down our forces over the next year on orders from Barack Obama. When we leave the women who we have put in positions of authority as teachers, leaders, and politicians will be left to the mercy of their men. Many will be killed, maimed, or multilated. George Bush will always have the deaths of thousands of Kurds hanging around his neck and now Obama, famous for talking about a war on women, is going to betray the trust of tens of thousands of women in Afghanistan.
Why is it our problem? As Secretary of State Powell said, " you break it, you bought it." We have put these women in the line of fire over the last decade and we should not abandon them to their fates. Not when we have the means to help. Like Somalia, this was started by a Bush and his relief is changing the rules of the game. With Clinton is cost us 18 soldiers at Mogadishu and with Obama it will the complete loss of face to the women of Afghanistan. President presumptive Hillary Clinton said that we (the US) will never abandon you. I expect all the Obama supporters here to get on the horn and tell the president to not turn our backs on these innocents that we put in the line of fire.