Trump's mental state — not Biden's — is the real concern, mental health professionals say

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Oh NO! not creepy Joe! He's fine! But Trump's a loon!

guess who's back in the news raising concerns about Trump .. and giving Corn Pop a clean bill of health? why Bandy Lee!

this is getting put out there precisely because Corn Pop is now the front-runner and he's more than just a stuttering gaffe reel. they have to cover for him now.

Trump's mental state — not Biden's — is the real concern, mental health professionals say

Joe Biden and Donald Trump. (Photo illustration: Yahoo News; photos: AP (2), Getty Images (2))

notice the photo .. smilin' Joe and ranting Trump. they'd never use this photo, would they?

Mental health professionals who have expressed concern over what they see as Donald Trump’s declining faculties say that similar fears about Joe Biden’s are overblown.

“A few stumbled words are not the same as the extreme danger that result from a list of signs that Donald Trump has shown,” Bandy Lee, a psychiatrist on the faculty at the Yale School of Medicine, told Yahoo News, “and none of them apply to Joe Biden.”

Lee edited a collection of essays written by 27 mental health professionals titled “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” which detailed what the authors see as the risks posed by a leader who they regard as mentally and emotionally unfit for the most powerful office in the world.

Yet since Biden’s reemergence as a front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, Lee has been flooded by requests to assess the former vice president’s string of stumbles in public appearances. In response, she published a piece on Medium correcting what she sees as the false equivalence between Trump’s “mental instability” and Biden’s occasional gaffes.

Trump frequently misstates or invents statistics or facts in his speeches, and in remarks last year seemed confused on the birthplace of his own father, saying he was born in Germany. (It was the Bronx.) Biden bungled an appeal for campaign volunteers at a debate last year, and recently shared what appeared to be a false memory of being “arrested on the streets of Soweto,” in South Africa, on his way to visit Nelson Mandela. (He was briefly detained at an airport during an official visit, but not arrested.)

“None of them are catastrophically alarming the way the signs have been with Donald Trump. I think there needs to be a measure of proportion here. On the one hand, we have such mental instability and such great cognitive decline as well as neurological signs that show imminent risk to the entire human civilization, compared with some gaffes perhaps. If we’re not addressing the former, why are we even talking about the latter?”

To be sure, one reason the topic of Biden’s mental capacity has become an issue in the campaign is that he has often struggled to express himself at campaign events and debates. But Biden, who has struggled with a stutter since childhood, has been prone to bouts of inarticulateness for decades.

If he goes on to win the presidency, Biden would be, at 78, the oldest American ever sworn into office. Trump turns 74 in June.

Biden himself has said that discussing a candidate’s cognitive capacity is not off limits.

“It would be a totally legitimate thing for people to say, Let’s look at Biden. He would be the oldest guy to ever be president. See what kind of shape he’s in, mentally, physically and the rest,” Biden told PBS in a January interview.

But another reason for the renewed focus on Biden’s mental acuity is that supporters of his political rivals, Trump and Bernie Sanders, have been promoting it as an issue on social media.

The GOP is already diagnosing Biden with dementia. Full stop. And all he's doing is giving them more material.

This is like an electoral asteroid hurdling towards the Earth, and people are pretending it doesn't exist.


Mental health professionals tend to draw a distinction between Biden’s onstage missteps and what some of them regard as Trump’s propensity to bend reality to his purposes.

Biden “digresses and gets tangential, that’s not cognitive decline,” Lynne Meyer, a California psychologist told Yahoo News. “Trump’s cognitive decline or problems are that he doesn’t even seem to have comprehension of reality. That’s what it looks like.”

In 2018, Meyer joined more than 70 other mental health professionals in signing a letter to Trump’s then-physician Randy Jackson requesting that the president be given a mental health evaluation.

“When you see a person that can’t even articulate words, and it doesn’t happen just once and doesn’t remember names — Tim Apple, or whatever,” Meyer said. “I don’t see the same thing with Biden.”

Barbara Kaufman, a psychologist in Maryland, agreed that Trump’s mental condition was a far bigger threat to the country than Biden’s.

“His mental illnesses have much more of an impact and are much more dangerous than what Biden has,” Kaufman said.

In December, Biden made public three pages of his medical history, including his blood pressure (128/84) and cholesterol (126). “Vice President Biden is a healthy, vigorous, 77-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief,” Biden’s doctor, Kevin O’Connor, wrote.

Sanders, who was briefly hospitalized after a heart attack in October, promised to release his medical records before the start of the primaries, but then said he had changed his mind. In December, he released three letters from doctors saying he was in good health. His blood pressure (102/56) was even lower than Biden’s, and both candidates were almost the same height (about six feet) and weight (178 for Biden, 174 for Sanders).

The records Biden released did not address his mental health or questions about cognitive decline.

While Lee emphasizes that Trump’s psyche is the much larger issue, she acknowledges that all those who seek the highest office in the land need to be evaluated in terms of mental health.

“It’s not an absent observation. Some of it may happen with normal decline. Others may be a warning sign, but we don’t know that without an examination,” Lee said. “But still, I would emphasize that I would give attention to the overwhelming danger that we have before us. Until that is addressed, or unless that is addressed, I personally do not wish to hear about Joe Biden.”

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
soo... they're saying.. trump is in decline?? and biden is not???

who are they kidding...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
soo... they're saying.. trump is in decline?? and biden is not???

who are they kidding... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

themselves. consider this whitewash of Dr. Lee's comments .. by Dr. Drew no less. another leftist pinko liberal faggot

In an era of extreme bi-partisanship and daily accusations of “fake news,” it is nearly impossible to differentiate between what is true and what is not. Despite the press’ best intentions, reporters can (even despite all efforts to the contrary) misunderstand, misinterpret and misreport information. The fallout from the resulting confusion can be extremely detrimental to all parties involved – including most importantly – the public.

One recent example of this phenomenon occurred when the press mischaracterized statements that were made by Yale psychiatrist, Dr. Bandy Lee, regarding President Trump. What was intended to be an opinion about Mr. Trump’s fitness for the job morphed into a story that incorrectly had her calling Trump’s mental health into question. During a radio interview this week, Dr. Drew gave Dr. Lee the chance to clarify her concerns about Mr. Trump.

Dr. Lee, who edited “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess the President,” is not treating Donald Trump, and wants to make it clear that she is not diagnosing him or making any claims about the state of his mental health. What she is specifically concerned about is his fitness to serve in the capacity of President, and how his decisions in this office could endanger public health.
A recognized expert on violence, Dr. Lee wrote a letter to the editor of the New York Times stating, “We are currently witnessing more than his usual state of instability – in fact, a pattern of decompensation: increasing loss of touch with reality, marked signs of volatility and unpredictable behavior, and an attraction to violence as a means of coping. These characteristics place our country and the world in extreme danger.” In her discussion with Dr. Drew, she pointed out that being mentally ill doesn’t mean that one is unfit to serve, and, in turn, an absence of mental illness doesn’t mean that one is fit to serve. Dr. Lee’s concern isn’t whether Trump suffers from mental illness. Her concern pertains to his ability to carry out the functions of the presidency in a manner that doesn’t imperil the security of the United States or the safety of its citizens.

Dr. Lee’s misgivings (as outlined in her letter to the NYT) lead her to the conclusion that some form of psychological evaluation might be useful in determining a person’s ability to lead. She suggests that the standard clinical protocol would be used to develop a competency test that would determine an individual’s ability to adequately meet the demands of such a rigorous job.

Clinical and forensic psychologist Dr. Judy Ho weighed in to theorize what such a test might look like. Characterizing it as something similar to what police officers or soldiers might be subjected to, she describes a “fitness for duty” evaluation that would thoroughly examine a subject’s mental health status, cognitive capacity, and moral character. Coping strategies and tolerance to stress would also likely be considered. She noted that any hiring institution must obtain permission from applicants prior to this type of testing. This generally consists of signing a waiver that allows the hirer to evaluate them in whatever manner they see fit. With regard to elected political officials, it is important to recognize the distinction between being hired by an agency versus being elected by the constituency. Imagine a scenario where a precedent for testing presidential candidates is set… If all who vie for the job of Commander in Chief are expected to “pass,” it before taking office, does that mean every candidate for every office should be required to meet the same standard?

Dr. Ho also pointed out the myriad challenges that would be faced in developing such a test for people who are voted into office. For starters, inherent biases and opinions of those who develop the test would come undoubtedly come into question. Also concerning is the potential for an ever-changing threshold, as certainly this test would be vulnerable to modification by whoever is in charge of the decision-making process at the time. Finally, forcing elected officials to pass a standardized fitness for duty test would call into question the constitutionality of putting the opinions and decisions of a specific group of health professionals between the “will of the people” and assenting to an office.

While fitness for duty tests are certainly applicable in assessing a person’s potential to be stable and successful in any number of jobs, our society has stopped short of subjecting elected politicians to them. In fact, several American presidents (including Lincoln and Roosevelt) exhibited erratic behaviors during their terms of leadership that might have been identified (and shown cause for concern) had they been evaluated prior to taking office. But is anomalistic or even aberrant behavior indicative of unfitness to serve? Not necessarily. Some behavioral experts have suggested that some mental illness or instability might actually benefit a leader or make him/her better able to handle the demands and stresses of a job like the presidency.

The debate about the need for professional assessment of political figures will continue to rage whether or not an evaluation process is in place. While many feel that mental fitness should be examined, others would argue that deep psychological probes would likely reveal exclusionary information about anyone – including Oprah. This raises additional questions about whether someone who has experienced trauma or mental illness or any psychiatric set back would ever be considered suitable for office – even if he/she has been successfully treated.

Below is an excerpt from the conversation between Dr. Drew and Dr. Lee.

Dr. Drew: Let me describe a person in a public office. This man is middle-aged. He comes from wealth. He’s done very erratic business ventures. He speaks tangentially. He roams the streets at night and beats people up in the office — he had an office in law enforcement at one point. Then he had an office where he was buying battleships. In a higher office, he could not sit down, was walking constantly, was very irritable and irascible and extremely impulsive. Should that guy be in office?

Dr. Lee: Well, I mean, that would be a very, very concerning person.

Dr. Drew: How about this one — let me give you another one. This guy had a long history of depression. And there’s a story of him being so, so profoundly depressed that one day he was walking down the street, and his son, who was pulling a red wagon — an by the way, his doctor had him on mercury, and who knows that might have done to his mental status — and the wagon flipped over, and the child dropped out of the wagon, and in his fugue depression, continued to walk for another half mile down the street — is that somebody who should be in office?

Dr. Lee: I wouldn’t speak to whether the person should be in office. It does look like the person would need an evaluation.

Dr. Drew: Yeah, so the first one was Theodore Roosevelt. The second one was Abraham Lincoln. And so that’s my fear — that if we start creating these things they’re going to be applied in ways that have unintended effects. That’s my fear.

Dr. Lee: Exactly, exactly. So we’re really not talking about mental illness here. Or what the person has. That is really a private affair. What is of concern is whether or not the person has the capacity to serve. And his function, his or her function, is what is of public concern.

this Trump hating bitch's tongue is so far up Demented Joe's asshole she's french kissing him from the inside out. for free.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
bet they're commie chinese agents doing the bidding of beijing to interfere the election...
Biden is so goofy he confuses his wife and sister at a rally, lol.
gfejunkie's Avatar
The circling of the wagons has only just begun. You ain't seen nothin' yet.

Six months from now Joe will be on his last leg. Mentally and physically.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
biden is a gaffe machine that won't stop.

his brain and mouth is liability
45* thinks stealth fighter jets are literally invisible....thinks Colorado is a border state....thinks San Antonio is a border city....anyone who doesn't hear an idiot speaking when he talks has to be a bigger idiot....
Jacuzzme's Avatar
My oldest, also A "medical professional" (PhD pathologist and Democrat) completely disagrees with this article. Her opinion is that President Trump is one of the most vibrant men his age she's ever seen, and that Biden is a cunt hair away from a skilled nursing home.

To offer hope to the TDS cult: apparently older, high energy men like the president many times suddenly drop dead (massive heart attacks/strokes/MIs) without warning even while otherwise having a clean bill of health.
rexdutchman's Avatar
As they say cazey as a fox
  • oeb11
  • 03-06-2020, 09:08 AM
Fascist DPST's are indeed circling the wagons to protect a deteriorating Biden from the truth of his aging and senility. his dementia is becoming more and more evident.

Which means- a vote for Biden is really a vote for his VP candidate for POTUS.

Expect a radical socialist to placate and capture the Bernie Bros clowns for Biden.

2- a physician who purports to express expert testimony regarding the medical status of a patient never personally evaluated or examine commits a violation of medical ethics.

The opinion is simply a political One - not a medical opinion. The authors should be forced before their State Licensing Board to defend their actions - and likely lose their licenses.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The debates will tell the tale as to who has the sharper mind. While Trump does say some dumb things, he doesn't display the kind of "confusion" Biden does and for all the talk we hear about Trump "lashing out" at people, he does it with composer at least in public while Biden is challenging old men to push ups and fist fights and calling young women "lying dog faced pony soldiers"what ever the fuck that means.

It's a whole different standard of mental health and it will be on full display come debate time
lustylad's Avatar
... consider this whitewash of Dr. Lee's comments... by Dr. Drew no less. another leftist pinko liberal faggot Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Hey, take it easy on Dr. Drew!

Anyone who threatens to "primary" pencilneck Adam Schiff can't be all bad!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-06-2020, 11:11 AM
soo... they're saying.. trump is in decline?? and biden is not???

who are they kidding... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Exactly...they are both in decline!
lustylad's Avatar
...Biden is challenging old men to push ups and fist fights and calling young women "lying dog faced pony soldiers" what ever the fuck that means. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
You don't know? Maybe these will help...