New High Mortality Rate Bird Box Flu!

If you go outside, you'll die! If you turn on your TV and don't watch Bird Box Flu newscasts, you'll die. If you turn off your TV, you'll die. People who have done this may not know they're dead yet. Mortality rate is described as near 597% based off recent Chinese numbers.

Liquidate your stock portfolio, bank accounts and all other remaining assets and send them to my Nigerian paypal account. I have a cure and will send it you once I am in reception of your donation.

Don't wait. Remember: send me your money and DON'T go outside.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Just heard one "official" say, if you get sick, don't go to a doctors office and don't go to the hospital, Stay home. So, stay home and hope you make it. Nice huh?

In the words of the Mayor of Miami Beach who have shut down the beaches during Spring Break, "the party is over".
Just heard one "official" say, if you get sick, don't go to a doctors office and don't go to the hospital, Stay home. So, stay home and hope you make it. Nice huh?

In the words of the Mayor of Miami Beach who have shut down the beaches during Spring Break, "the party is over". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
That is what you do with most viral contagions. They run their course.

In the mean time, you will feel like crap for a few days.

Since this bug seems to be very contagious, you don’t need to be spreading it.
Just heard one "official" say, if you get sick, don't go to a doctors office and don't go to the hospital, Stay home. So, stay home and hope you make it. Nice huh?

.. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I've heard this from multiple doctors and officials. Their reasoning is sick people (and doctors) don't need to get sick or sicker. Other than anti-virals the treatments I'm hearing are the same as the flu: rest, hydrate, tylenol.

So were shutting down schools and other shit when far more people have the flu and are practicing this "social distancing" panacea?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-16-2020, 08:44 PM
Is this like the Benghazi outrage?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is this like the TDS outrage? Originally Posted by WTF

thank yous valued poster!

HoeHummer's Avatar
If yous says so.
That is what you do with most viral contagions. They run their course.

In the mean time, you will feel like crap for a few days.

Since this bug seems to be very contagious, you don’t need to be spreading it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yes it's very contagious. What's puzzling is I don't know anyone who has it nor do they know anyone who has it. The whole situation is being exaggerated probably due to the fact this is an election year.
rexdutchman's Avatar
This FLU has turned all Politico more TDS in action
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes it's very contagious. What's puzzling is I don't know anyone who has it nor do they know anyone who has it. The whole situation is being exaggerated probably due to the fact this is an election year. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Is it an election year in China, France, Spain, Iran, Italy, Germany and other countries which have taken actions very similar to the actions taken in the U.S.?

There are 330 million people in this country and about 5,000 people who are known to have the coronavirus. So the odds of running into someone who has the virus is extremely low at this time and you might not even know if someone next to you has it. On March 2nd there were 100 known cases. Today almost 5,000. That is quite a ramp-up and if allowed to continue at that rate, the result could be devastating.

I just returned from Brazil after curtailing my planned 35 day vacation to 4 days. Plane on the way home was emptier than any plane I've been on in decades, if not forever. Over-reaction? I don't know. I am following the advice of doctors, including those on Trump's task force. We are self-quarantining ourselves for 14 days.
rexdutchman's Avatar
There is a fear and hysteria driven by the media is the real issue , the numbers don't support the hysteria idiocy , lets see maybe 50 cases is TX population 25,000,000 ??????????????????????????????
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
There is a fear and hysteria driven by the media is the real issue , the numbers don't support the hysteria idiocy , lets see maybe 50 cases is TX population 25,000,000 ?????????????????????????????? Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I listen to the doctors, and mainly the doctors and other professionals on Trump's task force. Are they driving hysteria because they are the ones who yesterday issued rather strick guidelines for the next 15 days in order to slow the spread of the virus. I would categorize it as over-reaction too except for who the recommendations for restrictions are coming from -- leading medical experts on a team put together by Trump.

Is the media in other countries driving hysteria? Even Trump yesterday praised the media reporting on the problem, something he has rarely if ever done.
What's to spread? There's relatively few cases and fewer death considering a population of 330 Million.

I bet if I went down to the local hospital today the ER would have the normal traffic. They would justifying it with "we told people to stay home and not go to the hospital." This is a media creation exacerbated mainly by the CDC and local govts . Don't go to the hospital, don't go physically see a doctor, we can't test that many people for it, and there's very little evidence of this so called devastation. And don't question the experts. It's a similar playbook for global warming. And after this is over they'll claim their "abundance of caution" worked with no objective proof that it did or was economically justified.
Is it an election year in China, France, Spain, Iran, Italy, Germany and other countries which have taken actions very similar to the actions taken in the U.S.?

There are 330 million people in this country and about 5,000 people who are known to have the coronavirus. So the odds of running into someone who has the virus is extremely low at this time and you might not even know if someone next to you has it. On March 2nd there were 100 known cases. Today almost 5,000. That is quite a ramp-up and if allowed to continue at that rate, the result could be devastating.

I just returned from Brazil after curtailing my planned 35 day vacation to 4 days. Plane on the way home was emptier than any plane I've been on in decades, if not forever. Over-reaction? I don't know. I am following the advice of doctors, including those on Trump's task force. We are self-quarantining ourselves for 14 days. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
That's pretty much my point low incident, high hysteria. Schools closing for a month, other venues are cancelling their scheduled events, people are encouraged not to congregate at Restaurants, Bars ect. We are being told the main symptoms are Fever and persistent dry cough those are common symptoms to many viral infections. One tidbit of information out there that I disagree with totally is a person can be infected and show no symptoms and still be contagious. That would be untrue unless there is evidence that a person can be an asymptomatic carrier of this virus. Much of the information we are receiving promotes hysteria.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That's pretty much my point low incident, high hysteria. Schools closing for a month, other venues are cancelling their scheduled events, people are encouraged not to congregate at Restaurants, Bars ect. We are being told the main symptoms are Fever and persistent dry cough those are common symptoms to many viral infections. One tidbit of information out there that I disagree with totally is a person can be infected and show no symptoms and still be contagious. That would be untrue unless there is evidence that a person can be an asymptomatic carrier of this virus. Much of the information we are receiving promotes hysteria. Originally Posted by Levianon17
To repeat -- in just 2 week the number of known cases in the U.S. went from 100 to 5,000. That's a 50x increase and EXPERTS on the subject expect a higher future increase if steps are not taken to slow down that increase. That is what is being done. The death rate from the flu is .01%. The death rate from the coronavirus is somewhere beween 1% and 2.5%.

The symptoms can be far worse than a dry cough and fever.

What are the symptoms this coronavirus causes?

The virus can cause pneumonia-like symptoms. Those who have fallen ill are reported to suffer coughs, fever and breathing difficulties. In severe cases there can be organ failure. As this is viral pneumonia, antibiotics are of no use. The antiviral drugs we have against flu will not work. Recovery depends on the strength of the immune system. Many of those who have died were already in poor health.

II have neither seen nor heard anything in the media that is promoting hysteria. The only hysteria I currently see is people running to the grocery stores and hoarding certain items.

I'm interested in knowing what information you and others see being spread that is promoting mass hysteria.