banned time frame.

think it would be great if it was stated how long someone was banned.
Meoauniaea's Avatar
Depends on the ban. Usually 30 days unless you really fucked up and get banned permanently.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-02-2011, 05:20 PM
Bans can range from a few days to forever and are assessed based on the offense in question.

However, it is the policy of this site that the staff never discusses details of a member's punishment.
Omahan's Avatar
However, it is the policy of this site that the staff never discusses details of a member's punishment. Originally Posted by Mokoa
"However, it is the policy of this site that the staff never discusses details of a member's punishment," Except in the case of Mokoa who was sentenced to life moderating.
I hope the really ANNOYING ONES tend to get more time off than the ones who just slipped up on the rules. You know what I mean.
...really to distinguish between those who are truly banned (permanent)
versus those who are taking forced vacations.