Being a Newbie Searching for a Provider Feels Exactly the Same as a Newbie Searching for a Corporate Job

Hi there hobbyists and providers

I'm a newbie to this scene, and have sort of stayed this way since just a little over a month of joining ECCIE because it feels sort of cumbersome to find newbie-friendly providers when changing cities on a whim's notice almost every week or two (maybe also the reason I am single). That said, when I was endlessly scouting for providers on this God-sent website who might be willing to give a noob like moi a chance, I made a startling revelation. It actually felt a lot like browsing LinkedIn, searching for and reaching out to recruiters or HR employees who were willing to interview job candidates for a position needing a 25-year old with at least 30 years of professional experience ("recent references")

Now, I absolutely understand the "NO NEWBIES" rule is for the provider's own safety and convenience. I know almost everything about the hobby 'theoretically' from all my extensive research. But being a person who has studied business and management all his life, I feel that a lot of great providers block themselves off to some potentially loyal, personable, and lucrative new clients. There are too too too many beautiful ladies out there whom I really want to see so bad, but who will never throw me more than a glance just because the word "Newbie" is on my resume. It doesn't matter how great of a guy or gentleman I may be, they may never know until I get some real "Experience" on my CV. So to the curious point finally -

To all the non-newbie friendly providers out there, what would it take for you to consider a newbie for your services (the newbie-friendly ladies may also chip in their views on why they chose to be friendly to people like us, because you girls are just...well, amazing!). I already know P411 is an option, so please leave that quantitative aspect out. I'm interested in the alternative screening methods out there that you would be willing to use - that can hopefully one day help me land the lay of my life. Personally, I am willing to send a provider my ID copy; occupation; do a meet and greet over phone, lunch, dinner, or drinks; photographs; and certain reasonably acceptable personal info. Is that not enough or is it?

I look forward to hear your views so as to help wipe the term "Newbie" outta my name soon.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Give it time, then you won't be a newb anymore!

pyramider's Avatar
The OP needs to go back to downloading porn since he is obviously too dense to use the Search tab to locate 100s of stupid threads just like this one.
What's at stake for most providers far exceeds the risks of the average employer or head of an HR department. Because stigma, harassment from time wasters, possibility of physical violence, criminalization, and so many other factors.

To answer your question, I'm personally open to seeing someone without references on the condition that they provide their RW identity and employment information so I can accurately verify who they are. I don't need or want a copy of someone's government ID. But I know some providers may ask to take a look at it in-person before proceeding with a session.

Perhaps providers who actively advertise as "newbie friendly" may use other methods in addition to or instead of what I've shared.

Happy searching!
1) Start with newbie-friendly providers.

2) Ask newbie-averse providers if they have alternative screening options. Do not try to get them to change their minds (newbie mistake).

If 2) doesn't work, see 1).
The OP needs to go back to downloading porn since he is obviously too dense to use the Search tab to locate 100s of stupid threads just like this one. Originally Posted by pyramider
Is that how you reached more than 33,000 posts and only 5 reviews? By being a blistered dick to the 100s of dense and stupid posters? Instead of behaving like an unnecessarily sarcastic prick, you should have just spent the time to make a sticky of all those threads and pasted links to them for people like me to find all the answers in one place. Take you own advice, watch porn, jerk off, and lighten a bit up.

More importantly, thank you to the other members who kept their patience and gave me helpful information!
pyramider's Avatar
I have over 300 reviews here and elsewhere. While you are still not intelligent enough to use the Search tab. The Search tab will answer all your hobby questions and many of life's questions.
And when all else fails, meditate on taint.
Jon[s]'s Avatar
Just like any job, choose wisely. Know what you want in a person and seek out a provider that fills that criteria.

Then have fun.
Don't be discouraged by the haters. Sharing information is part of the reason we're all here.

...thank you to the other members who kept their patience and gave me helpful information! Originally Posted by sora.guputa
pyramider's Avatar
It's not about sharing info. It's about a newbie learning to be independent.
RandB fan's Avatar
A job is easier to walk away from unless you find the brass ring.

I told my employer I wanted 2 hour lunches and no problem, gave me time to interveiw and hobby both
Guest010619's Avatar
And you might still encounter discrimation.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
It's not about sharing info. It's about a newbie learning to be independent. Originally Posted by pyramider
I think Jesus would approve of the three-sided method: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
pyramider's Avatar
We all have our crosses to bear ....