A lesson in forgiveness

Frique-Me's Avatar
I wanted to share this with the group. One can only admire BOTH parties involved.


Share you thoughts please.
Stevensegal's Avatar
He's a better man then me.
Mavs fan's Avatar
Pretty awesome story. McGee is a better man than me. I don't admire the cop at all btw he is a scumbag and lucky to be forgiven. Saw another story like this a couple of years ago about a blue chip athlete that was wrongly accused of rape. He also forgave his accuser. Amazing that these men have such a capacity to forgive when they have every right to be bitter and to seek revenge. Four years in Prison would be horrible especially if you are innocent. Thank goodness they were exonerated. How many innocent men and women might there be in Prison? The way the justice system is there are probably a lot.
Chung Tran's Avatar
my thoughts are that Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, and all the other high-profile Ministers should parade these guys as true examples of the forgiveness that is possible through Christ.

the cynic in me wants to keep an eye on both guys, to see if one or both of them "break", LOL..

the realist in me wants to step back and evaluate the situation more deeply than a couple of paragraphs can provide.

I remember the 700 Club (back in the early 80's) ran a story about George Clinton (of Parliament/Funkadelic), showing how he was a changed man, a Christian.. I thought to myself, "really?".. sure enough, the so-called transformation did not stick.. Bob Dylan is another who allegedly embraced Christianity for a while, but it turned into more of a social experiment.

the optimist in me hopes these guys stay friends, and serve as a witness to others.
Frique-Me's Avatar
He's a better man then me. Originally Posted by Stevensegal
He's better than most, myself included.