How to block a thread?

2wheels2fun's Avatar
Is there a way to block a thread? There's a lot of good information on this site, but sometimes a thread goes so far off the rails I don't even want to see the title of it.
Torito's Avatar
At the top of thr thread click Thread Tools
In drop down menu click Unsubscribe
Thanks for the info. THIS will come in handy!
2wheels2fun's Avatar
At the top of thr thread click Thread Tools
In drop down menu click Unsubscribe Originally Posted by Torito
All I see is "subscribe to this thread." I don't see an unsubscribe option.
All I see is "subscribe to this thread." I don't see an unsubscribe option. Originally Posted by 2wheels2fun
You would have to be "subscribed" to a thread already in order to see "unsubscribe"...

If you are asking how to be able to just "not see an entire thread" I really don't think there is a way to do that

I'd suggest "not clicking on the thread at all" if you're that annoyed by it....
ck1942's Avatar
Or, if there are certain members you don't want to read, try putting them on ignore. That may (emphasis, may) block the thread from view.

Otherwise, live with that stuff like the rest of have to.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Of course, you can always try the blind fold.

. . .There are some idiotic threads on the board that seem to go on forever (you know that smiling little troll responsible for the endless sewer spouting raw garbage) that I'm tempted to use that strategy myself before I turn into a pillar of salt!