Guest121917-1's Avatar
So I want to start by apologizing for being so MIA this past much went on that I needed to take a step back. I have a lot of making up to do....please be patient I will get around to those that know who they are. (No drama so no need of discussion).

On that note I have noticed a lot of drama circling a few handles. Its such a turn off to log in after months of being away and not having really anything fun and exciting to participate in. Shame on you lol.

So here is the deal.....

As some of you may have already known this past Tuesday was my birthday. I recieved some really nice gifts that I greatly appreciated. I am so greatful that I want to host a contest in honor of my special time of year.

I want the ladies to post their very best picture of their birthday suits. I will be giving a prize to the one I think is top notch.

I will be closing the contest next Tuesday at midnight. I will announce the winner Wednesday morning and will arrange a time to meet you to hand over the prize.

***The rules***

One entry per lady and be a local girl. Must be able to meet Wednesday to recieve gift.

Guys feel free to like your favorite pics but this will not be a tool to decideds who wins.

Im sick of the drama....its time to have fun!!

The contest opens at 6am today!!!


(Anyone dare high jack my thread to start drama I will kindly and gracefully close thread)

I plan on doing a couple more of these for the ladies as well as the dont ruin it.

GOLDEN RULE-If you have nothing nice to me out!!!

Everyone's sweetheart is back!!!!
redbeard42's Avatar
Happy belated birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday!
You need to be the first entrant......just saying. You know start it off right! If you win it, you win it!
Nice thread DG!
sue_nami's Avatar
After the poor girls getting shamed on the pussy taint thread I do believe they maybe a little gun shy.
Guest121917-1's Avatar
Well like i said i will not tolerate it what so ever....

Ok fine show me your best boob shot
Guest121917-1's Avatar
Well no drama or white knighting will be had on my threads. Im seriously so over the lies and drama.

This board was established for fun and entertainment....not angry men slamming their own dicks in the door....or women who are pissed because the last guy pushed her off on the o train right before reaching sunnytime station....

Ladies this will be fun i promise and my gift retails at about 75.00-100.00
Shuttleman's Avatar
Happy belated!
Fletchlives's Avatar
Talk about fun and exciting. Here is one of the new pics that Daddy's Girl kindly shared with me earlier today.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Happy Birthday, in advance, for next year.
Just wanted to be the first.
Guest121917-1's Avatar
Come on ladies.... I have a nice fun gift for the winner
sue_nami's Avatar
Ok I'll play and pop these right up here. Boobies lotsa boobies, always a good thing.
Mmmmmm..those boobies!!!!!!!!!!
Damn them titties!!