is it 90 day days from date of previous encounter or previous review for premium credit?

Allnitemarc's Avatar
Recently enjoyed the company of a provider i'd not seen for awhile. Was going to post a review but then realized i Had reviewed her as part of a duo in September. Although I will still post the review just wonder if I should wait till 90 days have passed or just post away .
For Premium Access:
The encounter must have occurred within the last 30 days.
There must be 90 days between encounters of the same person.

A duo could possibly be a loophole around the 90 day requirement.
I doubt you'd get credit. If you reviewed her first, then the duo, you'd probably get the credit because of the other girl.
Allnitemarc's Avatar
Thanks. Guess I'll just have to book another session in a week lol.
ben dover's Avatar
You should get credit, it's a different review with new information.
Ben is correct.

Woody and docsteve for modtard....

Ben is exempt as he is needed as an ASTH fill in... a much more prestigious position.
ben dover's Avatar

Ben is exempt as he is needed as an ASTH fill in... a much more prestigious position. Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Yes and I have the Badge!