It's a Beautiful Day

In the neighborhood..
Glorious weather!
Bluest of blue skies!

I feel like going out and enjoying the sunshine and listen to the birds sing. I may even play in the dirt and finish my yardwork..........maybe.

And your plans for this wonderful spring day? hmmm?
Hope you enjoy the great day J. Your title reminded me that it has been some time since I have listened to a CD that I have by a classic San Francisco rock band from 1969 self titled "It's A Beautiful Day" Overlooked by most it is a fine album and features the song "White Bird". Going to do that now and maybe add some Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Sons Of Champlin, Moby Grape, Quicksilver Messenger Service and a few others to make it a complete San Francisco inspired day. Later, like you, I will be out in the garden cleaning up the winter debris.