Money order payment for providers

I may get grief for asking this because I feel I kind of know the answer already. However,
Has anyone ever used money order as an alternative method to paying providers? Specifically when a provider asks for payment through money order first. And then will accept cash after for future appointments. That was a major red flag. Plus the prices make it look like she's giving trim away. Apparently there isn't any transfer of funds until after hobbying had occurred. Which is the only reason I'm still knocking on that door. However I wanted to know what you fine mongers thought before anything else.
Not only no but HELL NO.

Read your money: " This note is legal tender for all debts public and private."

Anyone who won't take cash on the barrelhead....especially if you have good not worth the risk of seeing. Pick another lady.
James1588's Avatar
I may get grief for asking this because I feel I kind of know the answer already. However,
Has anyone ever used money order as an alternative method to paying providers? Specifically when a provider asks for payment through money order first. And then will accept cash after for future appointments. That was a major red flag. Plus the prices make it look like she's giving trim away. Apparently there isn't any transfer of funds until after hobbying had occurred. Which is the only reason I'm still knocking on that door. However I wanted to know what you fine mongers thought before anything else. Originally Posted by Firedrake
Hmmmm, this is mysterious.

I'll admit that I'm not really "up" on my money orders ... don't recall ever having bought one. However, I think what they amount to is the equivalent of a cashier's check for people who don't have an account with a bank or credit union. And I'd guess that acquiring a money order would require the real-world names of two people: you and her. I mean, her at least, because the money order has to be made out to somebody. And, I'd bet, your name will be required, too. Sounds like a really terrible idea all the way 'round.
Yeah that was my thought too. Not accepting cash is odd. My only thought would be a resident alien. But even so, cash is cash. So no all around seems to be consensus. I've never used a money order either. Had no need. Oh well it's cash or nothing for this hobbyist.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Been hobbying a bit over 4 years here. Always used only cash, never had any problem with anyone accepting it or asking for a different form of payment.
pickupkid's Avatar
I had one lady that took money orders ... because she had gotten robbed.and didn't like carrying all that cash. I didnt mind it you can buy most anywhere. Just don't fill in the name. If things don't work out , you still have money order.
FireKitten's Avatar
The rash of counterfeit payments is increasing. It's unusual, but does make sense from her end. Cures a lot of improper money handling.

There is no name or ID tracking, especially if you are using something like the corner convenience store. (Do NOT use the post office, as they might want it, and they are also a gov't sponsored agency.)You don't give up any of your info, and you don't have to know hers. Without detailed investigating, you wouldn't know her name afterwards.

It's unusual, and likely uncomfortable, but I could see this becoming a quiet trend in some places.
She may just be using it to pay bills. This would avoid her going to purchase one. Weird but possible.
plainjoe's Avatar
Another reason is that using/having large amounts of cash ($20s, $50s, $100s) and regularly depositing cash at financial institutes without having a legitimate business where cash is used is an indicator for potential investigation.
Using money orders is a way for ladies to pay bills.
There is a special lady that I spend time with that I usually give her money orders so that she can pay her bills. I only use money orders with her.
James1588's Avatar
The rash of counterfeit payments is increasing. It's unusual, but does make sense from her end. Cures a lot of improper money handling.

There is no name or ID tracking, especially if you are using something like the corner convenience store. (Do NOT use the post office, as they might want it, and they are also a gov't sponsored agency.)You don't give up any of your info, and you don't have to know hers. Without detailed investigating, you wouldn't know her name afterwards.

It's unusual, and likely uncomfortable, but I could see this becoming a quiet trend in some places. Originally Posted by FireKitten
Thank you, FireKitten. Never having used a money order, I had no idea that they could be acquired anonymously. That being the case, it makes sense. "Alternative cash," sort of.
Thank you, FireKitten. Never having used a money order, I had no idea that they could be acquired anonymously. That being the case, it makes sense. "Alternative cash," sort of. Originally Posted by James1588
It also provides you with a receipt in case you want to make an illegal tax deduction or, you want to get caught by your SO, and is traceable by video surveillance from the point of sale camera in the event the hooker gets busted for some reason (perhaps for a topic forbidden to be discussed here) or, better yet, if she ends up in a ditch in some remote place and the only evidence they have is the money order that you purchased, on camera, from the US Post Office in your town, just hours before her body was discovered and the authorities want to have a chat with you....

Yep, money orders are a great idea....carry on!!
Hmm, interesting feedback here. I could see myself doing a money order for a provider I frequent. But for a newbie or unverified provider to demand that as the only option is still suspicious. I suppose aside from the same hazards as cash payments, i.e. she grabs the cash/mo and goes...there is also the added hazard of a painter trail, however thin, leading back to you. There doesn't seem to be any benefit to this method except for her.
joesmo888's Avatar
cash is king. i would view that as a red flag
dj8rocks's Avatar
My question is.... Is she asking for the money order to be sent to her BEFORE you see her? If so.... Hell no don't fall for that shit. If she is asking for you to bring it with you when you actually meet her, different story. But I would ONLY consider this with a very highly reliable provider. Just my thoughts
Damn your good. Just my luck a 500.00 blank money order would be found on a dead hooker. Hard enough explaining it to police let alone the SO.

Hmm, interesting feedback here. I could see myself doing a money order for a provider I frequent. But for a newbie or unverified provider to demand that as the only option is still suspicious. I suppose aside from the same hazards as cash payments, i.e. she grabs the cash/mo and goes...there is also the added hazard of a painter trail, however thin, leading back to you. There doesn't seem to be any benefit to this method except for her. Originally Posted by Firedrake