how do you all feel about seeing a provider who hasn't had a review in a while?

How do you gentlemen feel about seeing a provider for the first time who you've noticed hasn't had a review in a while? & how new of a review would you consider to be recent vs too long ago?
pyramider's Avatar
Fuck the reviews. If the lady took some time off, good for her. Her reputation should carry the day.
Just make sure your pics are up-to-date and you state when they were taken. I've seen too many instances of providers who come back with a 30+ lb weight gain, still using out of date pics. False advertising.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-08-2017, 09:05 AM
Fuck the reviews. If the lady took some time off, good for her. Her reputation should carry the day. Originally Posted by pyramider
joesmo888's Avatar
in any situation just set up a 30 minute or 1 hour session the first time. if you like the provider do more next time. hobbyists who set up overnighters or trips with a provider they never met are gambling pure and simple.
pyramider's Avatar
Gamble no... dumb yes. Extended appointments should be reserved for those who click with ...
I made a choice to delist from TER walking away from 89 very nice reviews. My reasoning was their requirements were simply lacking in discretion & that to me is far more important than feeding my ego with tons of good reviews.

My most recent review here dates back to 2013. Unfortunately the Mn traffic on ECCIE is rather barren. Why I've no clue. ECCIE is a much more pleasant board IMO.

Any hoo... I just find myself wondering if I made the right move from time to time.
dj8rocks's Avatar
If it was a brand new provider with no background, yes, lack of reviews would be a no go for me. However, in your case, with some older reviews, as long as the activity list is still correct, and the fact of you being on P411 as well would dissolve any doubt I may would have. Good luck. dj8
James1588's Avatar
I made a choice to delist from TER walking away from 89 very nice reviews. My reasoning was their requirements were simply lacking in discretion & that to me is far more important than feeding my ego with tons of good reviews.

My most recent review here dates back to 2013. Unfortunately the Mn traffic on ECCIE is rather barren. Why I've no clue. ECCIE is a much more pleasant board IMO.

Any hoo... I just find myself wondering if I made the right move from time to time. Originally Posted by MsChayse
I so agree with you about TER. I have reviewed two ladies there (at their request), and both times, my review was initially rejected because the "VIP" part lacked in "detail," which turns out to mean grinding, masturbatory explicitness. The second time that happened, I rewrote it so that I was making fun of them ("OK, boys, get the kleenex out, here comes the filthy monkey-spanking stuff") ... and they accepted it with no problem. Either they don't care, or they're completely oblivious, or both. Yep, TER makes me ill. ECCIE has its faults -- does it ever! -- but it's still a hundred times better than TER.
Great question. As a companion who was reviewed throughout 2015 on several boards, buy with no new reviews since then, I have yet to see the difference. I've noticed a lot of my clients simply choose not to review and I respect their wishes. Plus I travel a lot and not all or any review boards are active in all states. I've been more low key under the radar the past two years, but now that I'm returning to the larger cities I used to visit this year, I'm become more active on the boards again. But with an established provider, I don't think recent reviews are an issue. I'm on P411, have new pictures, am active on Twitter and an updated website. Reviews are nice but not the most important factor.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yes. it's hard not to wonder sometimes, admittedly. Each cases are different, and they're not ALL taking time off.

I do peek at some of them to see if the review gap coincides with rate changes. Many times they do. Not always, but sometimes.
Diego Smith's Avatar
Great question, but I'm surprised at how out of the mainstream I am here -- when I saw this thread I was sure the responses would run the other way.

First, let me say that I agree with you that TER is subjective, unnecessarily explicit and coarse in its demeanor. I also understand that ladies might choose not to use it. That being said, it is used in many more places than any other board, and a traveling hobbyist can generally count on TER for information about providers in an unfamiliar city. It serves a useful function in the hobby world. For example, for me, VIP status is vital. Reading TER with the "Juicy Details" or Eccie without the "Rest of the Story" is pretty useless. And if you are only going to pay for VIP status on one board, a traveling hobbyist would have to choose TER.

And I agree with you that Eccie is a much more pleasant board to visit, read and share on.

So, with that as background, I would not see you with your list of Eccie reviews. Though your pictures are clear and useful, the lack of recent reviews would lead me to pass on contacting you and search for other options in your area. Only if I didn't find any other possible providers in your area would I return to your profile. Honestly, with only 4 reviews, and the most recent at four years old, I still might not reach out. This is a risky and expensive hobby, and I'm in no position to TOFTT -- so I would pass based solely on the time since your last reviews. Frankly, in a larger metro area, I personally would pass on a lady with no reviews in the last year.

Thanks for a great question. Sorry that I'm not more supportive, but if I were you I would reach out to some of my old TER hobbyist friends and see if they can write you Eccie reviews.
burkalini's Avatar
I treat them just like a brand new provider. I use extreme caution and do my best to vette them.
  • Luxie
  • 06-11-2017, 09:01 PM
As someone who is moving away from reviews (my most recent is a year ago... on purpose) in the interest of discretion, I've found that most gentlemen do not care. Although I assume the ones that do don't even bother contacting me.
Hannabeth's Avatar
The last 15 new clients I have met this year have never heard of this board at all. They were aware of TER. 8 out of that 15 agreed to write a review on TER. All were rejected for one reason or another. A few rewrote and resubmitted. Again not fithy enough. The few retries, said forget it. The others gave up after first rejection.