Need Advice

Good evening,

First and foremost I'd like to thank everyone in advance for their advice and input on this situation as this has been causing me a large amount of stress over the past week and a half. It is very much appreciated. Here's my story:

A little over a week ago I made the mistake of looking up an escort on backpages (first mistake - wish I knew about this community beforehand). All seemed well and I agreed to meet her at her apartment. Upon leaving she asked me to pick her up on a street that was near her apartment (I said okay - red flag #2) After picking her up and getting to her apartment she is acting suspicious and the apartment smells of literally filth (in a bad part of town too.) After we get to one of the rooms she asks for the money up front (red flag #3) and then tells me she was going to grab condoms and would be right back. After a couple minutes I heard a small rustling and finally realized I was an idiot and she wasn't coming back.

At that point, a guy that I had not known (presumably her accomplice) was there came in to the room and asks me what I was doing in his house and that I had to leave. I tried to get my money back and eventually decided to cut my losses and leave. During his whole time the supposed accomplice tells me that I'm "making a scene" and what not when I literally wasn't doing anything. As this is going on the girl texted me and told me "you have to leave." I asked for a refund and then she told me it wasn't her house and that the cops were on their way because I was trespassing. I then left immediately and didn't think twice.

Now I've read tons of stories of set ups like this and my question is that do you think this is the same deal? I figured the girl and the guy must have been working together and have probably robbed other idiots like myself previously. Do you think they actually called the cops? In addition, this girl has continued to post using two separate phone numbers.

Obviously I will not be using bp again... I'm just tweaking out the cops we're actually called
If she is still posting ads on BP, you would be doing the community a favor by linking them here so they know who to avoid...
Tell us the name, post the linck to the BP ad, give us the phone number, address, town, etc. Also post the alert in the local Alert Forum that covers you area - If there is any chance she is a member on ECCIE, she will be BANNED.

Don't worry, they never called the police. Learn from your mistake. You just went through your Freshman year at Hooker University. It only cost you a couple o' hundy.

Be careful out there. You can never be sure who is on the other side of the door butt, if you are smarter about it, you can eliminate most of the fear! Better luck next time...don't get yourself killed - we can't wait to hear about your next adventure.

pyramider's Avatar
Without a name and ad linck this thread has no value. Convfefe needs to know that the Search tab is his only friend and all of his hobby questions can be answered with a Search.
Thanks for the response Ed. I guess I was worried because I thought it was possible she set me up at her drug lord's house or something without him knowing. Therefore when she told me the cops were on the way I freaked out because I certainly didn't want to be caught dead there. Do you think this guy was in on the scam too?
Always always ALWAYS research whatever lady you want to see to make sure that she has a good reputation. Use the big head first.
darter's Avatar
Thanks for the response Ed. I guess I was worried because I thought it was possible she set me up at her drug lord's house or something without him knowing. Therefore when she told me the cops were on the way I freaked out because I certainly didn't want to be caught dead there. Do you think this guy was in on the scam too? Originally Posted by Arcofthecovfefe
Yeah, there's no way she called the cops. I'm sure it's a scam they've done a bunch of times.

Of course the guy/pimp/manager/boyfriend was in on it.

Ed and the others are also right that without a link to the person and an alert in the city it happened in, it doesn't do the community any good at all.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Useless post
burkalini's Avatar
Without a name or link this post is useless. This is a share site so while I'm sorry you had this happen why aren't you posting the link and giving us a name?
Thanks again for your guys input. I'm new to the forum and didn't know how to use to search feature until now. Ironically enough there was a post about this girl from a couple weeks back in my area in which the same thing happened to another guy, so I'm confident the pimp/bf/whatever was in on it the whole time.
joesmo888's Avatar
Thanks for the response Ed. I guess I was worried because I thought it was possible she set me up at her drug lord's house or something without him knowing. Therefore when she told me the cops were on the way I freaked out because I certainly didn't want to be caught dead there. Do you think this guy was in on the scam too? Originally Posted by Arcofthecovfefe
yes it is a scam and those guys will one day run into the wrong person and be very sorry

in your case you did the wrong thing and thought with your small head and not your big one.. you knew it was fishy and still went through with it.
Yeah I wasn't too smart.. I'm just glad that no one had a gun and I didn't get injured. The whole thing just psychologically scarred me and I'm using this is a lesson.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I don't even know how grown men end up in positions like the one you posted here.

I'm astonished that you have managed to survive this long on planet earth. Do you have a nanny or caretaker that holds your hand day in and day out ensuing that you make the right choices?
I don't even know how grown men end up in positions like the one you posted here.

I'm astonished that you have managed to survive this long on planet earth. Do you have a nanny or caretaker that holds your hand day in and day out ensuing that you make the right choices? Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Because he HAS a dick or because he IS a dick (maybe both).
cowboy8055's Avatar
I don't even know how grown men end up in positions like the one you posted here.
Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Because they be thinking with the little head.