Need to understand the eccie community...

  • !VI!
  • 10-08-2014, 12:16 AM
ok, i am not a feminist by any level but i need to understand this bullshit...

how is it that ECCIE is called ESCORT CLIENT COMMUNITY INFORMATION EXCHANGE... but ladies here are talked to and treated like trash by who ever they want... and it's allowed...

I have never been known for my lack of aggression to eccie and it's men and a few women, but how in the hell can some of the members STILL BE HERE UNMARKED...

i have read thru all of the eccie rules and regulations many times now.

here is my question... Is the money really worth the abuse the you have to get from verious members on this site?

can this really be called a community when people can be bullied and IF they stand up for themselves they get infracted or banned (mostly LADIES)

and guys who the hell raised some of you, the things i see some of you say most of you older gentleman should be freakin ashamed! what got you to become the ass you seem to be?

Tara Evans and ST were essentially defending themselves respectively... but the things they said to each other were not nearly as bad as some of the vile things i have seen men say...

so please explain to me where do lady's stand in this hobby... and be aware i will report anyone who decides to troll this post.... to help prove the point
I agree on many points. I have seen an increase in animosity, verbal abuse, etc. I saw a great example on the W&I Forum recently. A young lady introduced herself and by about the 10th response they were ripping her apart with all kinds of criticism of her post, photos or lack of them, etc. She did not even get a chance to get introduced before she was abused by the anonymous posters.
I have been attacked and I simply sign off and don't worry about it.
But if a lady has to make a living off this site that is not an option.
I would like to see more civility in the posts.
Part of the problem is a post can be read and interpretted different ways. When we communicate face to face or talk over the phone you can hear a person's tone and how they mean what they are saying.
This is not the case with PM's, posts, texts, etc. You have no idea of how a person is saying something, even with the use of emoticons.
And ppl are so quick to respond to a post or text that their quick, un-thought out response can be misinterpretted. Then the whole conversation spins out of control.

I have stopped texting some ppl because we cannot communicate without pissing each other off. Talking on the phone we are fine.

IMHO and written in a neutral, friendly mood.
  • !VI!
  • 10-08-2014, 01:31 AM
I agree on many points. I have seen an increase in animosity, verbal abuse, etc. I saw a great example on the W&I Forum recently. A young lady introduced herself and by about the 10th response they were ripping her apart with all kinds of criticism of her post, photos or lack of them, etc. She did not even get a chance to get introduced before she was abused by the anonymous posters.
I have been attacked and I simply sign off and don't worry about it.
But if a lady has to make a living off this site that is not an option.
I would like to see more civility in the posts.
Part of the problem is a post can be read and interpretted different ways. When we communicate face to face or talk over the phone you can hear a person's tone and how they mean what they are saying.
This is not the case with PM's, posts, texts, etc. You have no idea of how a person is saying something, even with the use of emoticons.
And ppl are so quick to respond to a post or text that their quick, un-thought out response can be misinterpretted. Then the whole conversation spins out of control.

I have stopped texting some ppl because we cannot communicate without pissing each other off. Talking on the phone we are fine.

IMHO and written in a neutral, friendly mood. Originally Posted by dallaswill
that is a very good point

but what about blatant rudeness
that is a very good point

but what about blatant rudeness Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess
Some ppl are rude or have poor people skills. Usually engineers, ppl with behavior problems, ppl who are not well socialized are guilty of rude behavior. Some don't even know they are doing it.

I have a friend John from high school, a mechanical engineer, who visits periodically. He is sarcastic, has an opinion on everything, won't listen to anyone, has very poor people skills, etc.

One day I was about to bang my extremely hot dental hygenist. She rode a Harley and parked it in front of the house. I locked all the doors and we went to get busy. John rolled up, knocked on the door and I ignored it, assumed he would leave. He then proceeded to knock on every door and window until she got pissed and told me to answer him. So I open the door and he wants to know what is going on. With her behind me I try to tell him I am about to have hot sex and go away. He ignores me and focuses on the Harley and wants to talk about it, how owns it, etc. I try to tell him to leave. He does not get the hint. Finally my dental babe gets fed up and leaves. It was the last time I saw her. I told John he messed up a great fuck for me and he could have cared less. I think I got a sarcastic "I'm sorry, is that the only time you will ever get laid, Will?"

I am still pissed at John to this day, 10 year later, and he still has no idea what he did. He was rude and did not know it.

The moral of the story, there are ppl who are rude, whether they know it or not. Don't let them drag you down.
Raven Rayne's Avatar
I've only been an eccie provider since July so I don't really have a leg to stand on when it comes to etiquette on the board but I will say that I saw first hand how quickly some of these eccie guys will jump all over a provider if she makes a mistake or if heaven forbid she posts/comments something that isn't totally agreed upon. Obviously with so many personalities in one place not everyone will be happy or satisfied all the time and there's always someone who will totally disagree with your point of view. That being said I take it all with a grain of salt. Honestly I only really get on here to advertise. I got reamed on my first W/I post and quickly saw how that after one bad review a provider had to jump through 2000 hurdles and basically grovel & possibly drop her rates just to get anyone to see her. It really sucks to know that especially when some clients are almost impossible to please.... No matter what you do. And obviously there's always 2 sides to every story but it seems that no one on these boards takes that into consideration. I've thankfully never had a bad review but recently had a guy inquire and get pre-screened just to come back and say Nevermind he wanted to pass. When I inquired into his sudden change of mind he told me that he asked around about me and "a couple of guys" said that I wasn't passionate enough... Only a 5 out of 10. I guess my 20+ glowing reviews don't speak loudly enough. I had even extended a special rate 2 weeks late esp for him only for him to then ask me for an even lower rate. ... And guess what? When I told him I don't do CIM he just never responded. Ugh... But, like I said, I learned early on in my very short provider life that it's best just to not get too involved in board drama and to never take anyone's opinion of me personally bc it's really none of my business what they think of me. It's their opinion and I want nothing to do with it. Lol. I'll stick with just continuing to better my craft and always doing my absolute best!
how is it that ECCIE is called ESCORT CLIENT COMMUNITY INFORMATION EXCHANGE... but ladies here are talked to and treated like trash by who ever they want... and it's allowed... Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess
Makes you wonder how a hobbyist talks to his wife...

Or better yet,

How his wife talks to him.

Sometimes, I think guys just come here on ECCIE to vent. Same thing with us ladies too - We all bitch, moan, and bellyache.

Lastly, the majority of things that are said here anyway are things that would've never been said in real life (because most of it is illegal ).

In reality, we are all hiding behind a keyboard, and because of that, we can always click on the "ignore" button or click on the little red box in the right hand corner of the screen.
Iaintliein's Avatar
All sorts of theories are possible as to why the community seems coarser than the "good old days".

Time has taken out some of the "old guard" many of whom were true gentlemen.
The economy has squeezed out more of the "middle class". It's entirely understandable that prices had to go up since the cost of living has gone up so much.

This leaves a higher percentage of the players being higher income. Many of these guys are also gentlemen, but, I think more money sometimes leads to more demanding, less forgiving attitudes. The "entitlement" curve seems to be bimodal with middle class working guys being more understanding of middle class working girls.

Every year a higher percentage of users come from generations that do less and less face to face socialization. The result, I think is more rudeness without responsibility due to anonymity.

It's always been a jungle out there, but the internet allows the claws to reach anywhere, anytime.
  • !VI!
  • 10-08-2014, 06:14 AM

i can understand this... you continue mastering your craft and rock it, honestly it is a learning experience ... hopefully ladies can earn their true life lessons and learn with out fear of neanderthalic persecution


IFKR lol

some done tried yanking my hair 2 days ago and i grabbed his throat. "bro you do not know me like that, i lke the sex but you ever try to cause pain to me again i'll punch you in the face"

funny enough his response was pretty good all things considering lol, i was on edge because he was an eccie member so i did over react but no regrets lol

i honestly feel like if guys were held to the same standards or the private responses outside of the mens lodge couldn't be hidden, a lot of of the males here would not be nearly as dickish as they are.i've become great friends with the RTM button but i don't believe it holds nearly the same weight if a lady its it... which is sad lol

but hey we are just stupid hookers
  • !VI!
  • 10-08-2014, 06:17 AM
All sorts of theories are possible as to why the community seems coarser than the "good old days".

Time has taken out some of the "old guard" many of whom were true gentlemen.
The economy has squeezed out more of the "middle class". It's entirely understandable that prices had to go up since the cost of living has gone up so much.

This leaves a higher percentage of the players being higher income. Many of these guys are also gentlemen, but, I think more money sometimes leads to more demanding, less forgiving attitudes. The "entitlement" curve seems to be bimodal with middle class working guys being more understanding of middle class working girls.

Every year a higher percentage of users come from generations that do less and less face to face socialization. The result, I think is more rudeness without responsibility due to anonymity.

It's always been a jungle out there, but the internet allows the claws to reach anywhere, anytime. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
sir that was very well written

and i believe it... but at end of the day we are still human beings internet or not, and no human should even speak to or treat people the way they seem to be treated here
lily blake's Avatar
Some are trying to relieve highschool days would be my first guess
Rudeness and disrespect happens every day in every aspect of our lives. I havent been here long but have noticed that is is no different than working in a competitive office. Women tend to be the most hateful to and critical of other women. Only a small portion of men treat women badly, and the good make up for that.

I guess when I experience more rude people on here than I do at a checkout line at the store, then I will cease to visit. However, I still go shopping, and ignore the rude ignorant ones, and go on about my day happy and enjoying life...

Your post strikes a very sensitive chord with me personally. Any provider who knows/met me knows how personally disgusted I am with the manner in which some of these guys speak to, speak of and refer to providers.

Statements like...fat, whore, bitch, etc. by board trolls makes it embarrassing to be a man and its those trolls that always "f" with me because I have called them out on their shit. I view them as very sad people who hate women and are the guys who were always rejected by girls in life...or rode the short bus to school.

Other boards/cities have many more trolls than others...i.e. Houston. I think some of the trolls get away with it because they have ties to Eccie management...I don't even bother any more with it. Might as well go scream at the ocean - just ignore it and party on...

My .2
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

Your post strikes a very sensitive chord with me personally. Any provider who knows/met me knows how personally disgusted I am with the manner in which some of these guys speak to, speak of and refer to providers.

Statements like...fat, whore, bitch, etc. by board trolls makes it embarrassing to be a man and its those trolls that always "f" with me because I have called them out on their shit. I view them as very sad people who hate women and are the guys who were always rejected by girls in life...or rode the short bus to school.

Other boards/cities have many more trolls than others...i.e. Houston. I think some of the trolls get away with it because they have ties to Eccie management...I don't even bother any more with it. Might as well go scream at the ocean - just ignore it and party on...

My .2 Originally Posted by SNL9933
Why is it embarrassing to be a man just because some men are jerks?
Every profession, religion, sex, etc has a certain distribution of jerks, assholes, etc. We all have to take the good and the bad, and adjust to it.

To the OP by Wulf Princess:

The response about tone was excellent. You cannot accurately gauge tone on an internet posting, but you can project an implied tone from a poster and get upset unnecessarily.
I would say that there really is no one community here, so to understand it, you have to consider it a free for all with islands of sanity, and find a some good clients to deal with, and ignore the others. It ebbs and flows. All businesses have customer acquisition costs.
I am not sure why you feel the need to understand Eccie. It's a hooker board. Plain and simple. Why the need to stir up constant bs? I use this board as a marketing tool more than anything. Sometimes I feel compelled to post, other times not. There is nothing that should ever be written on the likes of these boards that should ruin your day. People have different reasons for being in the hobby, personalities, opinions and beliefs that they back. Some with more vengeance than others. It's actually quite comical at times. Take everything here with a grain of salt, a bite of lime and a shot of tequila. It's not that serious folks!
rcinokc's Avatar
Can be any number of reasons, some people are just mean, especially when they can be anonymous. Some are angry because they are buying pussy, most likely the ones whose entire sex lives consist of rental pussy. Some just like to push other peoples buttons, and some do believe that sellers are somehow less valuable as humans than buyers in this crazy game. Then you have those who feel that because they are the ones bringing the money to the table they have bought the right to say and do what they please.