new to this

  • Fast1
  • 03-19-2015, 07:37 AM
Hey everyone, I'm fairly new to this hobby. I've seen a few girls so far,but my most recent visit with one didn't go as planned. My nerves got the best of me, and I had some trouble preforming. Any advice on how to get past this. I feel like there was no reason for it, the young lady I was visiting was very good looking, I just couldn't get past the nerves for some reason. Any advice would be great. Thanks.
Depends on WHY you are nervous? Do you have a significant other or something like that that could be affecting your head(s) lol. Also some ladies are better at making things feel more natural and comfortable. I would start with one of this ladies first.
  • Fast1
  • 03-19-2015, 11:08 AM
Yes michael there is a significant other, but that has not affected my ability to preform in the past. It was just this one time that I had an issue. I felt very embarrassed at the time, but the girl I was visiting was very understanding so it helped ease the embarrassment at that moment. Idk, I guess I will see what happens next time I visit one of the local ladies.
hmm than im not sure why you couldnt perform lol
TreeBark's Avatar
It's all in your head.
When you say you couldn't perform, do you mean you could have used a little blue pill or, you were a 2 pump chump?
  • Fast1
  • 03-19-2015, 01:06 PM
I could have used a little blue pill treebark
Loki Pk's Avatar
There was shrinkage!!
