Question for the ladies...

Evening Ladies, I have a question for you all. Does anyone know of an Agency or independent provider that allows payment via a CC. In this day in age with online banking so easy discretion is more and more a necessity. That being said its a lot harder to explain withdrawing 200, 300, or 400 dollars cash. Its much easier to explain a lowes or home depot purchase... "babe, I needed the tool for the shop, I did not have one and I have that project coming up and I needed it..." Its easy enough to lose the receipt that would have shown a Visa or MasterCard prepaid CC in the amount of 200, 300, or 400 dollars. In my normal AO this does not pose a problem as there is a local agency that is reputable and they do not mind taking a CC. Are there any such up here?
Sorry ... cash is just easier.
Sorry ... cash is just easier. Originally Posted by Thai Macie
No paper trail
omakase's Avatar

That's the only agency I've come across that accepts CC
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I take CC with a private billing name & LLC ...