Justice Thomas Should Resign!

ICU 812's Avatar
Justice Thomas Should Resign . . . Now!

Confirmation of Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court seem imminent. She will fill the seat of the deceased Justice Ginsberg. Justice Ginsbertg delayed retirement even though she was well into her 80s and had cancer because she thought that Secretary Clinton would beat President Trump in the 2016 election. That did not happen and Ginsberg was faced with another four years on the Court hoping a Democrat will win the presidency in 2020. Sadly, she came up two months short and we have the situation that exists now.

Justice Thomas is in a similar situation. Though it is not known that he is not well, he is of advanced age. Who knows what the near future will bring?

The Trump administration should encourage him to retire, allowing President Trump to nominate a much younger, equally conservative judge to replace him on the Supreme Court. They could offer to let him suggest several potential successors. He could swear-in his replacement. They could make a really big deal out of it.
winn dixie's Avatar
I agree!
he spent most his time on the SCOTUS following Scalia like a lost baby duck, he must be happy to have Scalia's protege to follow now
  • Tiny
  • 10-16-2020, 08:53 AM
If that happens odds are the Democrats will end the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court. That’s if they control the presidency and Senate after the election, and they probably will.

Biden may pack it anyway, using Barrett’s confirmation as an excuse. My guess is he won’t. Maybe we’re fortunate he’s the nominee because the other top Democratic presidential candidates this year except Klobuchar wouldn’t bat an eye doing that.
now I've heard he has contemplated retirement

and desires to travel the road in his RV

but the man is just 73 so it cant be a concern for his age
texassapper's Avatar
If that happens odds are the Democrats will end the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court. That’s if they control the presidency and Senate after the election, and they probably will.

Biden may pack it anyway, using Barrett’s confirmation as an excuse. My guess is he won’t. Maybe we’re fortunate he’s the nominee because the other top Democratic presidential candidates this year except Klobuchar wouldn’t bat an eye doing that. Originally Posted by Tiny
Well the only reason we're even having this discussion is because Harry Reid and the DEMOCRATS eliminated the majority rule back in 2013. Now they want to pack the Supreme Court.

What the fuck is it with liberals? They lose elections and they act like babies destroying the governing norms.

First it was majority rule, next it will be the filibuster, and if they attempt statehood or court packing they will have gone too far.

Liberals are fucking toddlers they should NEVER be let near the levers of govt.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Thomas should resign for health reasons. That pubic hair he found in his Coke must have damaged his internal organs the past 29 years.
Heck, he is the same age as I, and I’m not about to retire.

He will have 4 years to decide, during President Trump’s 2d term.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
He’s got 10 years left.