Influx of Migrants and Refugees swelling SW Scene?

ICU 812's Avatar
TV and online outlets talk about the influx of desperate people from all over the world, general through the Southern Border. I don't care what label you apply as politics is not the point of this posting.

My question is: Has this flow of often destitute people leads to a new increase in the Street Walker scene here in Houston?

Are there any new-ish "Tracks" evolving along previously quiet streets? Besides the decades old T-Road and South Bissonnet etc.

Has any of this bedome evident in the SC scene?
Michael Berry was just talking about this on the radio this morning. Migrants coming across border, getting dropped off in Houston parks - no change of clothes, no money, can’t speak or understand English…. Some of ladies are having to turn to prostitution, some of the men are committing theft and burglary just to feed themselves. Really sad state of affairs being caused by lack of enforcement at the border.
ICU 812's Avatar
Yeah, heard that too. Not looking for a political discussion, as this is not the forum for that.

The question I am posting here on thios forum has to do with any obvious rise in the SW scene here in Houston. Anybody seeing any of this yet?
MisterMeat's Avatar
Haven’t seen any increase in street walking, but that also could be due to the triple digit temperatures we’ve been experiencing. And…Michael Berry can go eat the peanuts out of my shit.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Migrants coming across border, getting dropped off in Houston parks - no change of clothes, no money, can’t speak or understand English…. Some of ladies are having to turn to prostitution Originally Posted by Astros1965
Which parks are they at ?
The majority will probably end up with jobs at customer service call centers.
No I haven't seen any thanks to our Awesome Government. And awesome Governor!
Mayor Adams furious after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sent dozens of migrants to New York City against their will - CBS New York
I preferred this read as far as information & I'm hoping you will too I know this is starting to look like a political discussion which is not my intent that would be a disaster lol

Other than headline news nope no Muchachas or migrant babes here ��

Migrants from Texas border arrive at NYC’s Port Authority
ICU 812's Avatar
All this talk about "trafficking" is not founded in fact then?

I do believe that massive exploitation of people from all over the world is going on nearly in plain view here in the US. So why are we not seeing any impact on The Hobby as we know it?

I would have thought that the SC scene would get a bump in dancers.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
They're already contracted to the agencies when they arrive so they bypass the SW/SC scene.