
I call bs on this provider. Made contact via email communication on several occasions based on her directions from her website. Scheduled appointment time and confirmed. No show. No response. Very frustrating. I hope you have better luck than moi...
rubberbiscuit's Avatar
I wondered about her, found no history.
This really an alert. This normally reserved for issues regarding safety, theft and so forth. This will more than likely be moved to coed since this a no call, no show.
This really an alert. This normally reserved for issues regarding safety, theft and so forth. This will more than likely be moved to coed since this a no call, no show. Originally Posted by rbkg402
I apologize for not knowing the proper forum etiquette. I value my time. Time is both energy and money. While I was not robbed per se, my time was wasted which in turn represented value lost. Dishonesty should be reported so that others know what they may be in for. Again, sorry if I upset you rbkg402.
Mojojo's Avatar
NCNS go in co-ed check out the sticky's.
I apologize for not knowing the proper forum etiquette. I value my time. Time is both energy and money. While I was not robbed per se, my time was wasted which in turn represented value lost. Dishonesty should be reported so that others know what they may be in for. Again, sorry if I upset you rbkg402. Originally Posted by runns66
You didn't upset me. Was just pointing out the correct path is all.
And links would be useful.