Another train loaded with oil burns!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Last month it was West Virginia and this month it is Illinois (and the month has only just begun). A train, loaded with oil, catches fire and threatens the surrounding community. If only there was some other way to transport oil.... Maybe something protected, something permanent, something that can't be easily accessed.... It occurs to me that if we dug an underground tunnel and installed something like a trough that would be safer....but wait! What if instead of a trough we took metal or fiberglass pipe and buried it in the ground then we could move oil that way. We could pump in monitoring stations and pumps, we could further install cutoff valves and regulatory devices. That sounds so much safer than loading our oil on a train or even a truck. Did you hear about those multi vehicle accidents in the North East after a snow storm???? What would we call such a marvel of engineering? Something catchy I imagine. Seems like it would take someone with some vision, you know, the eye on the prize sort of person, who could promote or approve of such a product. Where to find someone like that...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-06-2015, 10:01 AM
....but wait! What if instead of a trough we took metal or fiberglass pipe and buried it in the ground then we could move oil that way. ... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
  • DSK
  • 03-06-2015, 10:24 AM
You do realize all those Nebraska Republican farmers, the classic good ole boys with pickups that use oil, don't want that stupid pipeline ruining their corn crop, right?
They don't want the Feds shoving a pipeline down their throats, you #Ominion Odumbo O'Golem Fed loving OMusselman O'Henry besotted kool aid drinking liberal!!!
It is hard to drill a well anywhere without hitting a pipeline.
  • shanm
  • 03-06-2015, 12:03 PM
You do realize all those Nebraska Republican farmers, the classic good ole boys with pickups that use oil, don't want that stupid pipeline ruining their corn crop, right?
They don't want the Feds shoving a pipeline down their throats, you #Ominion Odumbo O'Golem Fed loving OMusselman O'Henry besotted kool aid drinking liberal!!! Originally Posted by DSK

I wouldn't put it past the Kool aid drinkers to sabotage these trains just to prove a point.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You mean like when Obama gives guns to the Mexican cartels in order to create fear and allow him to make more gun laws?

Anyway, with all the facts on our side why would they do something like burn a train. Funny thing about the right, we believe in most laws and not taking things out on other people.
LexusLover's Avatar
You mean like when Obama gives guns to the Mexican cartels in order to create fear and allow him to make more gun laws? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Don't you know he was pissed at Holder after all those guns went South, but people still made it across the border! On to Border Security Plan B. Or was that Plan B?
It is hard to drill a well anywhere without hitting a pipeline. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You've been drilling oSHITHOLES, no wonder you are full of shit... ur'a Obootielicker.
Last month it was West Virginia and this month it is Illinois (and the month has only just begun). A train, loaded with oil, catches fire and threatens the surrounding community. If only there was some other way to transport oil.... Maybe something protected, something permanent, something that can't be easily accessed.... It occurs to me that if we dug an underground tunnel and installed something like a trough that would be safer....but wait! What if instead of a trough we took metal or fiberglass pipe and buried it in the ground then we could move oil that way. We could pump in monitoring stations and pumps, we could further install cutoff valves and regulatory devices. That sounds so much safer than loading our oil on a train or even a truck. Did you hear about those multi vehicle accidents in the North East after a snow storm???? What would we call such a marvel of engineering? Something catchy I imagine. Seems like it would take someone with some vision, you know, the eye on the prize sort of person, who could promote or approve of such a product. Where to find someone like that... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Ask the people in mayflower Arkansas how the fucking pipe idea turned out.
Wrong again cocksucker, but then that's a familiar position for you
You mean like when Reagan traded arms for hostages? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
LexusLover's Avatar
Ask the people in mayflower Arkansas how the fucking pipe idea turned out. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Mayflower or Mayberry? Who really cares?

"Its a lot riskier to move oil by train instead of pipeline"...

"In 2013, we moved about 8.3 billion barrels of crude oil via pipeline, according to the Association of Oil Pipelines. By contrast, only about 291 million barrels of oil moved by rail in 2013, according to the Association of American Railroads. In other words, pipeline oil volume was about 29 times greater than rail oil volume in 2013."
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ask the people in mayflower Arkansas how the fucking pipe idea turned out. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Maine-based railway involved in Quebec crash that killed 47 files for bankruptcy

"The unmanned train hauling 72 tankers of crude oil derailed and exploded in Lac-Megantic on July 6, destroying the center of the town. It had been parked on a main track atop a steep slope in Nantes, Quebec, about six miles away. The accident dumped several million gallons of light crude oil into nearby soil, lakes and streams."
You've been drilling oSHITHOLES, no wonder you are full of shit... ur'a Obootielicker. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You are the one with your shit hole getting drilled ura dicklicker.