Favorite Lyrics

boomer49's Avatar
"If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all"

Born Under a Bad Sign, originally recorded by Albert King, covered by many, most notably Cream
Lexxxy's Avatar
I'm a big Tool, pucifer, a perfect circle fan so I have to go with one of them as my favorite lyrics.
"Overcome by your
Moving temple
Overcome by this
Holiest of altars
So pure
So rare*
To witness such an earthly goddess
That I've lost my self control
Beyond compelled to throw this dollar down before your
Holiest of altars
I'd sell
My soul
My self-esteem a dollar at a time
One chance
One kiss
One taste of you my magdalena"
rooster's Avatar
"The Day I Tried To Live"

I woke the same as any other day
Except a voice was in my head
It said seize the day, pull the trigger, drop the blade
And watch the rolling heads

- Soundgarden

rooster's Avatar
"As you can see...
Girls... music.... disease.... heartbreak....
They all go together!"

- Frank Zappa
"Joe's Garage
I don't know much about algebra but I know 1+1=2

"1+1 beyonce"
As wicked as you are yoi're beautiful to me, your the darkeat burning star, yoi're my perfect desire

Firehawk's Avatar
Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing
Let the whole world know that today is a day of reckoning
Let the weak be strong, let the right be wrong
Roll the stone away, let the guilty pay it's Independence Day

Martina Mcbride
olderguy1948's Avatar
On a Sunday morning sidewalk,
I'm wishing, Lord, that I was stoned.
'Cause there's something in a Sunday
That makes a body feel alone.
And there's nothing short a' dying
That's half as lonesome as the sound
Of the sleeping city sidewalk
And Sunday morning coming down.

Johnny Cash

Maybe you have to be a city kid to understand this
olderguy1948's Avatar
On second thought, the first course helps set the tone for the one above.

Maybe you just had to be there once.

Well, I woke up Sunday morning
With no way to hold my head that didn't hurt.
And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad,
So I had one more for dessert.
Then I fumbled in my closet through my clothes
And found my cleanest dirty shirt.
Then I washed my face and combed my hair
And stumbled down the stairs to meet the day.