Full details in the next hours, but it seems the President’s hardline stand just might pay off.

Of course, the proof is in the pudding. Will Mexico be able to stand up the Cartels that are the one running this show? With the amount of corruption in the Mexican Government, there are doubts.

I hope we can see a light at the end of this tunnel. It sure would be nice if our Congress could do something about the assinine immigration laws that allow this crap to take place.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
not surprised. Mexico never had any cards to play. Trump had all the Aces. it will be interesting how the libtard left both in this forum and the media try to downplay this.

this is what happens to a shithole nation when they try to play with the Big Dog. they get pissed on.

Hotrod511's Avatar
looks like Tiny will be enjoying some Peking crow

bambino's Avatar
Trump just made a lot of people look silly. Maybe the Republicans will AT LAST defend Trumps policies. But then again, Trumps not a professional politician. His ideas actually work.
Trump just made a lot of people look silly. Maybe the Republicans will AT LAST defend Trumps policies. But then again, Trumps not a professional politician. His ideas actually work. Originally Posted by bambino
The "Swamp" will just hunker down more, even "go to the mattresses" if the need arise.

Will the Mexicans have Detention Centers for those crossing their southern border. If so, I have a feeling their "Detention Centers" won't be quite as accomadating as ours.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Dems Accuse Trump of Concocting Standoff With Mexico When Agreement Was Reportedly Reached Months Ago

interesting charge.

what say maybe AMLO was dragging his feet on the agreement???
I B Hankering's Avatar
Dems Accuse Trump of Concocting Standoff With Mexico When Agreement Was Reportedly Reached Months Ago

interesting charge.

what say maybe AMLO was dragging his feet on the agreement??? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That's what it sounds like.

To me, hearing that this was part of the deal struck months ago legitimizes Trump's recent threat to raise tariffs.

Not knowing that Mexico had already agreed to do this made it appear that Trump was the one reneging on the new treaty: which I considered amateurish and bad.

Knowing now that it was Mexico reneging on the new treaty puts the whole affair in a different light, and makes Trump look much better.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Dems Accuse Trump of Concocting Standoff With Mexico When Agreement Was Reportedly Reached Months Ago

interesting charge.

what say maybe AMLO was dragging his feet on the agreement??? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

the Demonrats would commit mass suicide rather than give Trump credit for anything he accomplishes .. so the more Trump accomplishes ..

  • Tiny
  • 06-08-2019, 11:40 PM
Dems Accuse Trump of Concocting Standoff With Mexico When Agreement Was Reportedly Reached Months Ago

interesting charge.

what say maybe AMLO was dragging his feet on the agreement??? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Interesting Dilbert. Here's the New York Times article they refer to,
Little Monster's Avatar
Trump backed down just like he always does. He lost again to Mexico, just like he has done since taking office.
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump backed down just like he always does. He lost again to Mexico, just like he has done since taking office. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Another SocialistLiberalAntiTrumper .... blogging.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It will be a while before we see how effective the new agreement is. I think Waco expressed it perfectly -- Mexico never had any cards to play.

While I don't agree with the bullying tactics used by Trump, and most people in Congress both Republican and Democrat disagreed with Trump imposing tariffs on Mexico, if the tactics do stem the flow of immigrants coming to this country, it can be chalked up as a win for Trump.
bambino's Avatar
It will be a while before we see how effective the new agreement is. I think Waco expressed it perfectly -- Mexico never had any cards to play.

While I don't agree with the bullying tactics used by Trump, and most people in Congress both Republican and Democrat disagreed with Trump imposing tariffs on Mexico, if the tactics do stem the flow of immigrants coming to this country, it can be chalked up as a win for Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Who was bullying who? Asylum seekers are to seek asylum in the nearest country. In this case is Mexico. They did nothing. Neither did Congress. Trump merely gave Mexico a wake up call.
Lapdog's Avatar
So, does this mean we don't need that stupid wall after all? Is the "invasion" over? Can we all breathe easier now, thanks to our dear leader?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-09-2019, 07:56 AM
So, does this mean we don't need that stupid wall after all? Is the "invasion" over? Can we all breathe easier now, thanks to our dear leader? Originally Posted by Lapdog