The Real Slave Guinevere

Here's who Slave Guinevere really is. Posting cowardly insults like this behind a locked Twitter account , acting like she's talking to someone who can't even see what's being said about them or have any ability to respond. Why is that harmful? Well, she has 3,000 followers. Add in Ginger Doll's 8,000 followers who saw where Ginger chimed in with her own insult and there is a lot of overlap with people on this board.

This is apparently in response to Zenovia posting in Johnnson's "people give me a headache" thread. Note the headache references.

What does the Arkansas community think about this disparagement of one of its most highly regarded providers?

By the way, this isn't isolated to Zenovia. She posts insults like this aimed at many of you as if she’s addressing you directly. Always in response to something said here.
winn dixie's Avatar
Hello mandle/bandle

Your stay may be short.
Hello mandle/bandle

Your stay may be short. Originally Posted by winn dixie

Great! I intended for it to be short. Not a mandle, but thanks for playing. Even if I was a mandle, does it make SG's insults less egregious?
winn dixie's Avatar
Great! I intended for it to be short. Not a mandle, but thanks for playing. Even if I was a mandle, does it make SG's insults less egregious? Originally Posted by Hoblius
Does this blatant posting of a private communication violation make you less hypocritical . You better keep your banter aimed at me. Slave will eat you up.
Thats terrible.
While I have been targeted on Twitter by the duo and I find it funny they tweet stuff knowing I can't say anything because I'm blocked from commenting. I really don't give 2 shits what they say about me. But getting back to the OP. If you have to use a fake account to post then you lose your luster with me. Own your comment. Zen doesn't deserve the bs. That's my take.
While I have been targeted on Twitter by the duo and I find it funny they tweet stuff knowing I can't say anything because I'm blocked from commenting. I really don't give 2 shits what they say about me. But getting back to the OP. If you have to use a fake account to post then you lose your luster with me. Own your comment. Zen doesn't deserve the bs. That's my take. Originally Posted by Baconman

Actually you do know me, Bacon. I don't mind owning it. It's Spanky (text me to confirm if you like). I had to use a new account because I no longer had an account here, I gave it up a while back because I got disgusted with this place and never intended on coming back. But Zenovia is a great friend of mine and it pissed me off greatly seeing this, and I was reminded of the old saying "sunlight is the best disinfectant" so decided to provide some sunlight. I'll get banned for it of course, but like I said, I had no intention of being here anyway. I just got tired of seeing her bashing of Zen and many others on here such as yourself and wanted to say something. Entirely of my own volition, I will add.
Does this blatant posting of a private communication violation make you less hypocritical . You better keep your banter aimed at me. Slave will eat you up. Originally Posted by winn dixie

I'm touched by your concern for my welfare, but I'm not really worried about the legend in her own mind saying nasty things about / to me. If she's the badass she always claims to be, she'll say them in public and not behind her locked account.
Good morning Spanky! I like it when it's sunny. Please Slave and Ginger unblock me so we can have a candid conversation. No need to do it behind a shield. We can be grownups
Hey Spanky. Hope you have been well.

Zen definately doesnt deserve this crap. Shes a class act and I personally think she looks damn good in her fishnets.

Im sure they will find a way to play the victim as always, but soing this to Zen is totally BS and if their character was in question before people should realize who they truely are.
For the kids in the back. Screenshot the post and save it. Remember it when you get the urge to contact them and know you could be next. Is that hard on worth it. Then count to 10. Think again is it worth it.
Hey Spanky. Hope you have been well.

Zen definately doesnt deserve this crap. Shes a class act and I personally think she looks damn good in her fishnets.

Im sure they will find a way to play the victim as always, but soing this to Zen is totally BS and if their character was in question before people should realize who they truely are. Originally Posted by pluckmeup

Hey bud! I have been, hope you have been well also.
For people saying "Private conversation", I don't think you understand how twitter works, lol. It is extremely public..

Also, eccie is obviously living in their head and they hate it.. And if they are blasting things on twitter I would stay away as well..
Zenovia's Avatar
It must be painful being a prisoner in your own mind. Not every comment is about you, surly mine aren’t.
Another “grown woman” trying to body shame another?! Is a sign of your own insecurities.
I am a woman that has been blessed to have given birth to very healthy, beautiful, successful, respectful children. They have helped shape this strong, divine goddess body. Yes you read right, GODDESS I am a creator of life, what I have in between my legs is literally a gateway from heaven. I am not one bite ashamed of being a MOTHER.
As for the gas station comment and having a bestie, bravo for making me laugh at that one!!
SG and GD that was very thoughtful of you both to assist me in giving birth to my abundance this month. TY Sincerely obviously always in your mind ZENOVIA