Wounded Hobbiest Program

  • Gbfsl
  • 11-20-2014, 10:15 AM
Yesterday, while in the heated throws of a passionate CG riding, I raised my head up as my beautiful partner was bringing hers down. Result.... A tooth to the forehead. Drew blood, a nice goose egg and a bruise today which I wear proudly, having earned it in the heat of "battle"!

Got me to thinking there must be other "war stories" out there that you might like to share of wounds or injuries sustained while making love.

Anyone like to share?
Best I have is my first time on 411 saw a lady who was Newbie friendly and lived near me. Saw her several times About 15 min into one session we broke her bed. The wood frame gave way and we slide off. Session was over and I spent the next 3 hours taking her broken bed frame to my house to glue and screw it back together then reassemble the bed. We had a good laugh over it.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
My feelings got hurt one time when a lady started gigglin at my little dick, does that count? It was very emotionally traumatic.
sparrow1122's Avatar
Haaa! I had a provider tell me that story! So it was TPBG! She had a great laugh telling that story, then I dropped my pants and she laughed harder. *sniffle* very traumatic. Not as traumatic as a provider charging me double to keep a straight face.
  • EZ.
  • 11-20-2014, 04:49 PM
My feelings got hurt one time when a lady started gigglin at my little dick, does that count? It was very emotionally traumatic. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
I understand trauma. I still wake up in a cold sweat remembering being circumcised. Oh, and there was the time (you only do it once) when I cought a bunch of skin in my zipper. These women don't understand the trials that we go through.
This hobby community owes a debt to you, the wounded hobbyist, that we will never be able to repay.

Godspeed on your recovery, man!
pyramider's Avatar
My feelings got hurt one time when a lady started gigglin at my little dick, does that count? It was very emotionally traumatic. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat

Oh please ... wait until they belly laugh and point ... then you will appreciate traumatic.
redman1501's Avatar
So far the only sex injury story I can share was back in high school a girlfriend and I found a fire ant pile during an outdoor night time adventure. So many bites..... In so many bad places.......
Pinched nerve in my neck from showing off my oral skills. At first, I thought the "pop" I felt in my neck/upper back was the existing pinched nerve being corrected, but nope. Woke up today to realize it is still hurting.
War wounds... But very much worth it!!
Brass Balls's Avatar
Was with a provider once and for reasons that escape me we were on the floor next to a big four poster bed. She was riding me hard when I decided to "help" by thrusting up at the same time she happen to change her timing. End result was her being launched head first into one of the bed posts. Hard I might add. But she was a good sport even though she ended up with a good size bump on her head. The next time I saw her I asked "How's your head?" and she replied "Never had any complaints." Funny as I saw that same line in a movie years later and really laughed thinking where I heard it first and why.
melannie_star's Avatar
LOL.. Try having someone collapse on you after a great "O"
We were standing up as he was hitting it from the back.
All of a sudden he just collapsed straight back into the wall!!

Poor guy was over the influence..lol
Yes over, not under. haha

Apologized the next day for freaking me out..
I am sure he was feeling the bump on his head
I forgot.... I actually really enjoy being choked while having an orgasm. The intensity is mind blowing!
Well... While with a very good fwb, I finally convinced him to partake. Apparently I had a little too much wine earlier that night. Completely blacked out. Woke up to him bitch slapping me to wake me up. The look on his scared face was priceless. I was laughing hysterically as he got up and left. He wouldn't come back over to play for a while.
Some ppl can be so sensitive!
Cowgirl can be dangerous...when you ladies fly off the "handle" and come crashing down on Junior...had that happen a few times.
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
I pulled some muscles laughing at threepeckeredbillygoats little dick, does that count?

Actually, ladies riding vigorously in CG has racked my balls a few times. Not good for the O I might add.
WalkerTx's Avatar
A couple of months ago, I had a provider try to suck the vodka out of my liver via my little buddy...sucked so hard she left a hickey on my dickey !