A Cajun gets on the bus and takes his seat. At the next stop, a lady gets on. The bus driver seeing that she is holding an infant tells her, "that is the ugliest baby, I have ever seen". She becomes noticeably distraught and begins to cry as she sits down next to the Cajun. Concerned, he asks the lady why she is upset. She tells him when she got on the bus the driver insulted her. The Cajun boy tells her, "Dahl'n, you shouldn't put up with dat." "You need to give dat driver a piece of your mind". As she stands up he tells her, "I'll hold the puppy".
I'm attracted to the thin women and the spinners. I find Asian women attractive and they usually fit my preference but rarely do they show the face.
Of the Dallas Asian independents (I don't see visitors) which have the prettiest faces?