Age Preference Poll

swwaustin's Avatar
Here you go Woody. Like Woody I have noticed that there seems to be a lot of questions about age preference recently. What is your preferred age for your play friend? Multiple choices can be made. Ladies what do you say?
Actually we (I?) wanted to see the average age of the provider...but this is okay too.
Err I got it...just a little slow at times..... LADIES....tell us a little about us, how old are we?? Guys...don't vote...or you'll squew the results.
stormking's Avatar
Oops. Sorry I voted for 30's. I thought this was for guys to indicate their preference for providers... The vote title does not indicate this... sorry...
WetVelvetSAT's Avatar

I will post a poll for the ladies, if you like

As for the ladies, we really don't have a preferred age like you guys (at least I don't think so). It's about your skillz and how you treat us.

landman40's Avatar
oops, I misunderstood also.
swwaustin's Avatar
Jeeez, what a stupid confusing Poll!! Who posted this crap!
sweetshane's Avatar
hey woody i like your age!!!!
I love to be under sweetshane....girl your are SO CUTE!

Not a very scientific poll. But the intent was good. Yeah….You know you are too old when….you ask a provider what she means by “texting a message.”

You know you are too old when you keep looking for a cell phone with a good old fashion dial on front….those buttons are TOO confusing for me.
Or are worried that provider you just made an appointment with could be your granddaughter??? Yikes!!!
handyGiraffe's Avatar know you are too old "when you keep looking for a cell phone with an old fashioned dial on the front"..that is too funny..and .sad but true...
ammonite's Avatar
Damn if this poll is for the providers to indicate the age of the client they prefer, then I'm sure as hell glad us old guys have got plenty of $$$'s lol.
I might wear a Brad Pitt mask next time.. no wait he's to old uhhh crap I don't know any guys that young.
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
I agree... age is simply a number. It's all about chemistry. I have a regs of ALL ages that I thoroughly enjoy our time together. Chemistry trumps age EVERY TIME! Whether it be in or out of the hobby.
I say...
under 25 Rarely
25-30 dealt with individually
30+ Always