Gamer Girls

Durantx8817's Avatar
Are there any providers here that play video games as a pass time? Im just curious. In the range of playstation- nintendo- pc or old school games
Red_Headed_Julie's Avatar
All of the above for me... I even have a WoW tattoo... love playing The Witcher 3 right now. But I love my classic games
Durantx8817's Avatar
Very Nice . Ive always wondered what it would be like to do a session while gaming. Will you be watching E3 this year? Im a huge gamer so this is the event I look forward to every year
Red_Headed_Julie's Avatar
Sounds like a fun session to me And oh yes on E3.. I watch it every year
Here's the thing.

I want to be a gamer so bad, but I just can't get the running and shooting thing down at the same time.

I'm good at the NES, but not with the new controllers. So I just buy my kids all the video games they want. (Destiny was my youngest son's newest favorite and GTA5 since I haven't bought him the xbox one yet)

And then the oldest one got the xbox one and he likes the sports games, and the xbox one version of GTA5 and Halo, FIFA and Madden oh! and 2K15 I think.

So, that's as far as my gaming goes. I live vicariously through my kids being able to game.

I'm a donkey kong, tetris and mario brothers gamer with the up down left right A B buttons kind of gal.
Durantx8817's Avatar
Nothing like the good ole days of classic games. I grew up with a SNES an playstation 1. I remember playn Tetris and Mario on my SNES
Unreal Tournament is my game of choice on PC of course. My SO thought he would get it for me on XBox and after 15 mins of me going around in a d**n circle shooting at the walls, I finally threw my pink Camo controller they bought me with it and said screw it.....give me a pc keyboard ANY DAY of the week.
bojulay's Avatar
Best PS2 games IMHO were God of War 1/2 (best game of all time)
Destroy all Humans 1/2, Shadow of the Colossus, Laura Croft series,
and the Socom series.

Best XBOX 360, Left 4 Dead 1/2
I've dabbled in all the consoles from the SNES on up, but nowadays I'm primarily a PC gamer (via Steam). My fondest memories are probably of my GameBoy Pocket when I was little and I fell hard for Pokemon for a while, though my current love is mostly RPGs like Skyrim or Fallout.

I'll still play the hell out of the Lego franchise on my roommate's Xbox, though. *laughs*
Durantx8817's Avatar
Gotta love that God of War. Destroy all humans was a hilarious game and I Unreal Tournament 2003 was Sick. I loved when you get a kill streal and the announcer says "MULTI KILL!" and "INCONCIEVABLE!"
FunInDFW's Avatar
UT2K3, and just UT, getting dropped in here?! Shieeeeeeeeeet!

PC master race gaming is where it's at now. Fallout 4 trailer just released! Though I still have the good old CRT available for those classic interlaced games. Glad the older consoles are getting the love too.

Might have to add a few names to ask about visiting the next video game con or the bigger ones out of state! Gogo PAX?!
Durantx8817's Avatar
Lol. GLORIOUS Pc Master race. Should we just dive into a console/pc war?
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