
Watching the news conference right now.
Also watching CNN, who has four Pundits all but calling the DA a liar and bigot.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
A lier?
rioseco's Avatar
Watching the news conference right now.
Also watching CNN, who has four Pundits all but calling the DA a liar and bigot.

Amazing. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I wish you were there rioseco...
Watching the news conference right now.
Also watching CNN, who has four Pundits all but calling the DA a liar and bigot.

Amazing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The DA has to do his job according to the letter of the law not according to the emotions of a bunch of hysterical pundits and protesters. The sad thing is Darren Wilson may have to leave Ferguson. Maybe he can find a position in Law Enforcement somewhere like Montana where they don't give a world class shit about any of this.

I have to say that I am very impressed by the Grand Jury. It would have been so easy for them to just drop back and punt, file an indictment on a lesser charge, and let a jury sort it out. They knew full well what a no bill would do to their community, and they chose to do the right thing anyways. Good for them.
I have to say that I am very impressed by the Grand Jury. It would have been so easy for them to just drop back and punt, file an indictment on a lesser charge, and let a jury sort it out. They knew full well what a no bill would do to their community, and they chose to do the right thing anyways. Good for them. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
None of the so called "pundits" listened to a damned thing that the DA said. Not how the DA's office and the US Justice Dept worked hand in hand during this investigation. Not how the Grand Jury meticulously went over every ounce of testimony and evidence, in conjunction with the US Justice Dept.

No, none of these "experts" care about any of that. All they care about is their agenda.

The only person responsible for the death of Michael Brown was Michael Brown. He assaulted a Police Officer while that Police Officer was in the performance of his duty. He did this because he knew he had committed a felony assault against an elderly store owner just minutes before.

He "bum rushed" a police officer in a vain attempt to avoid the consequences of his own actions.

Lives are turned upside down. A City, and even the Country, is in turmoil.

Why?? Because a young street thug took it upon himself to commit assault, then assault a Police Officer, and then rather than submitting to the authority in charge, force the Police Officer to use deadly force.

Michael Brown is dead because of Michael Brown. Period.

We will have more Michael Browns until the Poverty Pimps, Race Baiters, Parents, Polititians, and "leaders" finally come to grips with the real problems that plague the Black Community where excuses are made for barbaric conduct that is destroying these very communities.
Watch another channel.
None of the so called "pundits" listened to a damned thing that the DA said. Not how the DA's office and the US Justice Dept worked hand in hand during this investigation. Not how the Grand Jury meticulously went over every ounce of testimony and evidence, in conjunction with the US Justice Dept.

No, none of these "experts" care about any of that. All they care about is their agenda.

The only person responsible for the death of Michael Brown was Michael Brown. He assaulted a Police Officer while that Police Officer was in the performance of his duty. He did this because he knew he had committed a felony assault against an elderly store owner just minutes before.

He "bum rushed" a police officer in a vain attempt to avoid the consequences of his own actions.

Lives are turned upside down. A City, and even the Country, is in turmoil.

Why?? Because a young street thug took it upon himself to commit assault, then assault a Police Officer, and then rather than submitting to the authority in charge, force the Police Officer to use deadly force.

Michael Brown is dead because of Michael Brown. Period.

We will have more Michael Browns until the Poverty Pimps, Race Baiters, Parents, Polititians, and "leaders" finally come to grips with the real problems that plague the Black Community where excuses are made for barbaric conduct that is destroying these very communities. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You're right on. The Main Stream Media and all the pundits don't know shit. To them it's all a big fucking show anyway. They don't give two shits about the City of Ferguson, Michael Brown, Officer Wilson or anything else in between. Ofc. Wilson feared for his life and had to use deadly force finished business. I hope they have a field day covering all the mayhem and unwarranted protesting that is being orchestrated over this cut and dry case.

LexusLover's Avatar
None of the so called "pundits" listened to a damned thing that the DA said. Not how the DA's office and the US Justice Dept worked hand in hand during this investigation. Not how the Grand Jury meticulously went over every ounce of testimony and evidence, in conjunction with the US Justice Dept.

No, none of these "experts" care about any of that. All they care about is their agenda.

The only person responsible for the death of Michael Brown was Michael Brown. He assaulted a Police Officer while that Police Officer was in the performance of his duty. He did this because he knew he had committed a felony assault against an elderly store owner just minutes before.

He "bum rushed" a police officer in a vain attempt to avoid the consequences of his own actions.

Lives are turned upside down. A City, and even the Country, is in turmoil.

Why?? Because a young street thug took it upon himself to commit assault, then assault a Police Officer, and then rather than submitting to the authority in charge, force the Police Officer to use deadly force.

Michael Brown is dead because of Michael Brown. Period.

We will have more Michael Browns until the Poverty Pimps, Race Baiters, Parents, Polititians, and "leaders" finally come to grips with the real problems that plague the Black Community where excuses are made for barbaric conduct that is destroying these very communities. Originally Posted by Jackie S

(I know it's difficult to type "Polititians" while thinking about the large breasts of Sins ..... so you inadvertenly typed "poli-tit-ians" ... pronounced "poly titties ans" .... distractions while typing.)

(I know it's difficult to type "Polititians" while thinking about the large breasts of Sins ..... so you inadvertenly typed "poli-tit-ians" ... pronounced "poly titties ans" .... distractions while typing.) Originally Posted by LexusLover
ROFL you crack me up!

I see alot of take aways from this whole sorry mess. We get angry at the povery pimps (perfect description by the way) and race baiters, and God knows they certainly do a good job of whipping the masses into a frenzy.

But I hope that the mainstream media is not let off lightly here. They bear a huge responsibility for this mess. Even now, months after the incident, pundits were on TV last might amid the riots referring to the claims that Brown had his hands up. That claim was debunked months ago.

A video surfaced on Youtube only days after the incident, in which someone speaking off camera described events that tracked with Wilson's account perfectly. The video was shot in the moments immediately following the shooting. You can see police cordoning off the street around Brown's body, and moving the gathering crowd back. The video was removed from Youtube, but not before the man's words were transcribed and linked on other sites.

CNN dedicated a half hour segment to the recording of shots being fired, but never once reported on the Youtube video that directly contradicted the claims that Brown had his hands in the air. If the media had made even a half assed attempt at objective reporting, the narrative of the poor gentle giant being shot down as he surrendered would have been blown away months ago.

Would that have stopped the riots? Probably not. But at least those with common sense would have seen this situation for what it is - yet another ploy to play on the entitlement mentality of race baiters and nothing more.

Would that have stopped the riots? Probably not. But at least those with common sense would have seen this situation for what it is - yet another ploy to play on the entitlement mentality of race baiters and nothing more. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
these type people don't accept facts or truth or "common sense"

these things do not fit into their aims or goals
lustylad's Avatar
Reverend Bacon=Al Sharpton.

LexusLover's Avatar
I wish you were here rioseco... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I B Hankering's Avatar
ROFL you crack me up!

I see alot of take aways from this whole sorry mess. We get angry at the povery pimps (perfect description by the way) and race baiters, and God knows they certainly do a good job of whipping the masses into a frenzy.

But I hope that the mainstream media is not let off lightly here. They bear a huge responsibility for this mess. Even now, months after the incident, pundits were on TV last might amid the riots referring to the claims that Brown had his hands up. That claim was debunked months ago.

A video surfaced on Youtube only days after the incident, in which someone speaking off camera described events that tracked with Wilson's account perfectly. The video was shot in the moments immediately following the shooting. You can see police cordoning off the street around Brown's body, and moving the gathering crowd back. The video was removed from Youtube, but not before the man's words were transcribed and linked on other sites.

CNN dedicated a half hour segment to the recording of shots being fired, but never once reported on the Youtube video that directly contradicted the claims that Brown had his hands in the air. If the media had made even a half assed attempt at objective reporting, the narrative of the poor gentle giant being shot down as he surrendered would have been blown away months ago.

Would that have stopped the riots? Probably not. But at least those with common sense would have seen this situation for what it is - yet another ploy to play on the entitlement mentality of race baiters and nothing more. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
One of those Talking Heads (CNN) was commenting on Wilson's testimony before the Grand Jury. As she recounted Wilson's description of an enraged Brown reacting violently to Wilson's attempts to exit his vehicle, she said a box of cigars wasn't worth it and that Wilson should have remained in his car and driven away. Seriously???? What policeman lets a suspect walk away with the evidence in his hands? What world do people like that dumb bitch live in? What would she, and those like her, want the police to do when someone takes her purse?