Does he not know more than three adjectives?

Does he not know more than three adjectives?


I know some people have better math and analytical skills and other people have better vocabulary skills.

But, still, how does a man reach his 70s and have such a limited vocabulary? Trump speaks at about 2nd grade level.

Does Trump not know any adjectives besides "beautiful" and "perfect" and "best ever". Worse yet, he uses those limited words in wholly inappropriate contexts.

One describes antibody tests or virus tests or PPE or ventilators as "effective," "inexpensive and quick to manufacture," "significantly better" (than previous versions).

But what the fuck does it mean that a COVID-19 test is "beautiful"?

Or that "our new antibody test is so totally perfect" - when the scientific literature and your own advisors admit that it has a 10% false positive rate?

Look, I don't demand flowery eloquence. In fact, sometimes that is an annoying distraction when somebody has nothing important to say.

So, I'm perfectly happy with a mundane speaker.

But, for fuck's sake, do we really have to listen to him recycle the only half dozen adjectives he knows?

"Our rescue package is beautiful, it really is. And my statement about it was totally fine and totally perfect. And we have a really excellent and best ever plan for reopening the economy."

Fucking illiterate.

His speeches are vastly better when he reads them from a teleprompter or pages - like in the last State of the Union address. But that is because somebody else wrote the speech.
Lapdog's Avatar
He's not any better of a reader than he is a speaker. He's an illiterate dumbass.
LexusLover's Avatar

Trump speaks at about 2nd grade level.
Originally Posted by Revenant
That's so you and yours will comprehend what he's saying. LapPup needs the lower level as well .... perhaps more pictures.
That's so you and yours will comprehend what he's saying. LapPup needs the lower level as well .... perhaps more pictures. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Then why does he use the same simpleton vocabulary at his rallies when he is talking only to his own supporters?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Then why does he use the same simpleton vocabulary at his rallies when he is talking only to his own supporters? Originally Posted by Revenant

because he knows CNN and MSDNC are broadcasting it to yous ..

bambino's Avatar
He's not any better of a reader than he is a speaker. He's an illiterate dumbass. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Read your post again. And you’re a grammar genius????? “He’s not better of a reader”!!!!
Read your post again. And you’re a grammar genius????? “He’s not better of a reader”!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
I actually wrote "he's not ANY better of a reader..." But, in any event, where is the problem?

Saying "he is not any better of a XXXX than..." or "he is no better of a XXXX than..." is a common formulation. Care to point out why it's wrong?

bambino's Avatar
I actually wrote "he's not ANY better of a reader..." But, in any event, where is the problem?

Saying "he is not any better of a XXXX than..." or "he is no better of a XXXX than..." is a common formulation. Care to point out why it's wrong? Originally Posted by Revenant
I quoted Lapdog, not you. Have you been drinking? Or something else? Get your shit together. Or not. Maybe you should disappear again. Regroup.
I quoted Lapdog, not you. Have you been drinking? Or something else? Get your shit together. Or not. Maybe you should disappear again. Regroup. Originally Posted by bambino
You're right. You did quote Lapdog. Now answer the question. What was wrong with what he wrote?
Getting back to my earlier point about Trump using his limited words in wholly inappropriate contexts, didn't he once describe some missile strike or bombing operation as "beautiful?

Is he so lacking in empathy and intellect that he does not realize you don't speak about killing Syrians (or whomever) with precision missiles as "beautiful"?

War operations are a time for sobriety and measured statements - not admiring the esthetics of killing people.
bambino's Avatar
You're right. You did quote Lapdog. Now answer the question. What was wrong with what he wrote? Originally Posted by Revenant
You tell me. Now quit while you’re behind. Goodnight ExNYer. Ooopps, I just blew your cover!!!!!!!! ROLMAO
You tell me. Now quit while you’re behind. Goodnight ExNYer. Ooopps, I just blew your cover!!!!!!!! ROLMAO Originally Posted by bambino
Once again, a non-answer.

You have a good night too, you flatulent blowhard.
bambino's Avatar
Once again, a non-answer.

You have a good night too, you flatulent blowhard. Originally Posted by Revenant
Before you go night, night, are you Lucas McCain too? Asking for a friend. And when you wake up, check your PMs.
It’s his vocabulary. Go back 30 years and listen to him speak. It’s the same way.

In the mean time, he became a billionaire.