nuglet's Avatar

With all the legal age, beautiful pussy on here.. why/who does this shit?
mrhamm's Avatar
Guys who had fucked up family who showed them how be predators. These circles repeat themselves constantly.
Bobave's Avatar
I do NOT think this post merits an infraction with points. It describes information provided in a *public* news article and condemns the rat bastards involved.

That being said, I have to wonder why the hell Col. Zodiak saw fit to dive in from wherever the hell and hit me with a 10-point infraction for doing PRECISELY the same thing (different case, same circumstances). What a shit bird.

My post: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...post1052617665
nuglet's Avatar
WOW Bobave;... I didn't get any points (and never intended to break any rules). I only put a link to a newpaper article..hopefully that's not considered out of line. Mea Culpa if I screwed it up..
My post was more to point out the dangers for everyone, and it's local.. so....
playingnthedark's Avatar
Well Nuglet, if you didnt get any points. Bobave has put a spotlight on your post.
nuglet's Avatar
I understood that going in. Am I supposed to run hide? LOL
I guess there was some difference in the info in the posts... but all I did was link a Public Newpaper. I didn't "out" anyone, the paper did...
Don't see an issue.. but thanks for the bump.. I've been here a lot longer than you.. (lol 10 days).. maybe I get "senior benefits"?
Bobave's Avatar
I did the same thing. Linked to a news story. I didn't add anything to the public account (had no way of knowing anything else). Like you, I was judgmental against the douches who were arrested. Sorry if this causes you any grief from Cpl. Zodiak now, I just wish there was some consistency in how infractions are passed out around here.
nuglet's Avatar
Sorry Bobave, but I haven't heard a thing about being out of line.. don't know about your story, but it almost appears you're looking forward to someone giving me shit..
Bobave's Avatar
it almost appears you're looking forward to someone giving me shit.. Originally Posted by nuglet
Nope, I'm looking forward to somebody taking *back* the shit they gave ME. Neither one of us deserves any shit on our posts. If you don't agree that rules shouldn't be applied discriminantly for/against some members, then screw you.
nuglet's Avatar
WOW, just WOW.. Screw ME? some attitude you have there.. I said, nor implied, anything rude to you sir. I'm guessing you deserved what you got, and now it's easier to see a reason. Good luck with that. I love your statement.. "Neither of us deserves any shit.......Screw You"...
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
WOW, just WOW.. Screw ME? some attitude you have there.. Originally Posted by nuglet
+1 Nuglet, but Bobave seems to have quite the attitude in a lot of his posts (it takes all kinds and nothing would be nearly as interesting without variety) so it is what it is but I hope you just let it slide off your back like water off a duck.

The big difference I see in your post and Bobave's was that he seemed to quote an article here (which technically violates the rules and mods are all about technicalities a lot of the time) and you just linked to it. There also may have been some difference in content that mattered, but I think the issue was that content from other sites can mostly be linked to for informational purposes, but the actual content should not be quoted here if it is forbidden.

Back on the original topic, I was going to comment in a circumspect manner, but instead, I might just suggest the OP request this thread be closed so others aren't tempted to make comments on the topic that will get them slapped down by the mods. This is dangerous territory here IMHO.
Bobave's Avatar
Look Nuglet, from the beginning I tried to make it clear that I had no issue with you. I was pissed at the favoritism that is rampant with the mod/member dynamics. It's looking a lot like the last days of ASPD.
As for Playing(WithHimself)InTheDark, he's pissed because I took the other side of the increasingly tiresome argument on the NBA issue on another part of the Board, and he's trying to stir some (chicken)shit.
And Austxjr seems to be a fanboy for another member, playing proxy for them on a comment I made elsewhere on this board... Bobave seems to have quite the attitude in a lot of his posts” (God, between the lapdogs and fanboys, where is this board headed? Wait, I think Whispers asked that once). I doubt you could say that I had an attitude generally over the history of my near 800 posts... So, come on, Austxjr - - which posts are we talking about?