Review special not honored by five eccie guys

Thanks again to Houston guy for writing a review of me on the same day he met me.
It was very much appreciated.

But hey I'm really new here and was really counting on the other guys that met me for the $100/hr review special to write their promised review so I can get verified.

Five of them still have not written it yet.

  • aduren (you met me before Kaya Jolee yet posted her review already. Where's my review?)

All five met me the week of 10/21. Still no review.
Is it fair to say I've waited long enough for them to get around to writing a review?

How do I get verified if they don't post their promised reviews? Is Houston guy's one review enough?

Hey each of you on my list. At least you can respond to this thread and say you had a session with me.
Maybe eccie will be ok with that so I can get verified. Thanks in advance if and when you do.
Wakeup's Avatar

Whores need to learn how this game is give someone a review special for the next session AFTER they write a review...not before...
Pistolero's Avatar
Submit your info to the staff at

1. website address (your website or advertising site)
2. referral from another provider or hobbyist
3. links to reviews from recognized members (any site)

Any combination of the above requirements which will sufficiently establish you as a legit provider will be accepted.

The verification process could take 24-48 hours.
dearhunter's Avatar
You fucked Donkey Dip?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha hahhahahahah
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-04-2013, 10:13 AM

Whores need to learn how this game is give someone a review special for the next session AFTER they write a review...not before... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
And then no one will take the special if they do that. If you are not that into the girl why go back for the discount? I'm also not into relying on the memory of a girl to know she owes me a discount. She did the best she could here and put the guys on blast, most look like lurkers. So pick guys with high review counts and guys with recent reviews, you should target guys that seem to have interest in you, send a pm just say hi if they reply offer them the deal. If you just put it in the open all the sharks will take a bite.
poppy71's Avatar
I agree with Trey
Wakeup's Avatar
You two are kidding right? Some of you guys don't give a fuck about "being into" anyone, you just care about the price. How many times have you seen guys all pissed off because they got NCNS'd by a hooker and then went in after they we're give a discount later?

Review discounts are not how you generate's how you generate repeat business...or else you're just a dumbass whore looking to get scammed by idiot tricks...
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-04-2013, 10:52 AM
You two are kidding right? Some of you guys don't give a fuck about "being into" anyone, you just care about the price. How many times have you seen guys all pissed off because they got NCNS'd by a hooker and then went in after they we're give a discount later?

Review discounts are not how you generate's how you generate repeat business...or else you're just a dumbass whore looking to get scammed by idiot tricks... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
If I repeat it's not because the lady gave a discount. And if the only way you can get repeat business is a discount you are running a shitty business. Service counts a lot in this game a girl that's a 7 can beat a girl that's a ten if the ten can't get her shit straight.

Ncns is not the same. Service has not been rendered and that's an error on her part. Very much the same as you not getting what you want at a restaurant and they discount your next meal. You'd most likely go then wouldn't you? If they offered something you were looking forward to trying.
notanewbie's Avatar
You fucked Donkey Dip?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha hahhahahahah Originally Posted by dearhunter

he is cim, so I've heard.
poppy71's Avatar
I agree it SHOULD be about repeat business but the girls here know most of the guys - especially on here - care about price so they do what they feel they need to do to get business. ..repeat or not. Why bitch at her for doing her part. She did right by outing the idiot scammer tricks. Now she will hopefully learn how to do specials and to screen for them better.
Wakeup's Avatar
Very much the same as you not getting what you want at a restaurant and they discount your next meal. You'd most likely go then wouldn't you? If they offered something you were looking forward to trying. Originally Posted by Trey
Absolutely not. You fuck up once, why would I pay to let you fuck up again, even if I had to pay less to have you fuck up the second time?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-04-2013, 12:31 PM
Absolutely not. You fuck up once, why would I pay to let you fuck up again, even if I had to pay less to have you fuck up the second time? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I made a point on that on another thread with the discount on the second visit idea. What you said fits my statement there.

Sounds like a good idea at first. But what if the chick sucks? I ain't going back for a discount on a bad time. Originally Posted by Trey
Wakeup's Avatar
Then what does it matter? She can still offer it because she won't know you're not ever coming back. If you're not going back to get the discount then she's not out any money, and she's not interested in catering to your business. So who cares?

The fact is, if you offer a review special BEFORE the review is written, you're asking to get cheated. If you offer it AFTER the review is written, you show appreciation to the client and he is more likely to come back.

Anything else?
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Kudos to the gal for calling the fucktards out.

Is there a duck in here?

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Sorry that happened to you. I did a review special when I first got in the business and thankfully it worked out for me, but sadly times have changed. I hear this happening all too much now. I would tell ladies now to only offer review specials to guys who have 5 plus reviews, but of course, even that is not fool-proof.