Do you take offense to being called a whore on a SHMB?

The title is pretty self explanatory. Do you get offended when you read the word whore or is called a whore by members here?

This thread is independent of the threads that led me start this thread... more like inspiration if you will. This is not a continuation of them, so please do not treat it as such.

Not only am I curious, but coming into the New Year (you know, new year new things) this can also be used a guide for future reference on which members here, male and female, may take offense when you use the word whore.

Please vote and discuss.
I look forward to hearing what you guys have to say.

ESwho'snext?'s Avatar
I feel it is only a word. All words are only words. They do not have any meaning until you give them that power. Yes I am a man and I take it different than most ladies. However I also feel that you should act as you want to be treated. If you want to be someones lover and called a lover, but only act like a whore BCD how can that person feel you are their Lover. If you want to be called a Courtesan look it up. Synonyms of Courtesan are Concubine, Paramour, Prostitute & Whore. Now if you want to be a mans Muse that is a whole other thing and you may be doing it wrong. But as anything this is JMO.
Still Looking's Avatar
I'm a MAN WHORE but I would NEVER call a lady a WHORE.... not even you LD. And hell you like it! Or so you claim. But deep down inside you don't want to be known as a whore. You want to be cared about and treated with respect just like the rest of us.

I bumped my "NOT A WHORE" threAD just for you LD.
Peoples actions oft times are far more "disrespectful" than their words are. A lot of men that says I would never say this I would never say that, are often the ones that are passively aggressively disrepectful...

I'll leave that at that.

Thanks whosnext for the comment
ESwho'snext?'s Avatar
While Whore can be made to be negative as well as playful and fun. It goes back to what the person it trying to mean in their use of the word.

I always think of things light heartedly when doing anything in this hobby. I mean I am here for Fun.

But let us look at another word or words in context.

Do you know the difference between a Slut and a Bitch?
A Slut will sleep with everybody.
While a Bitch will sleep with everybody but YOU.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
If I was a whore, I would vote one of the top two. Also if I was a HO.

I should write a review for the whore that served me a turkey dinner last night.
The meal she made was great.

Now if I can get her to cut my hair again. But pass on the straight razor shave of the twin boys.
universalenergy's Avatar
I'm a MAN WHORE and it does bother me but I would NEVER call a lady a WHORE unless she wanted me to say that.

I always have the last word " YES DEAR ".

Why don't we just compromise and do it my way!

derek303's Avatar
I'm always very nice to the girls and truly appreciate great service. Saying that, I love to talk dirty. I don't do it all the time because I think I can kind of tell if she has the personality for it. I usually test the waters with something light like "oh, yeah you suck that dick good." And if I get no reaction I leave it alone. If she moans and says something back I gage from there. Very few times it goes to a full blown hair pulling name calling PSE session but those are a blast.
ESwho'snext?'s Avatar
I love Velvet Jones. But I am still waiting on my book lol.
So all you lovers of the word whore, is it ok for me or anyone to refer to your female loved ones as a whore? Yes or no.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
I feel it is only a word. All words are only words. They do not have any meaning until you give them that power. However I also feel that you should act as you want to be treated. If you want to be someones lover and called a lover, but only act like a whore BCD how can that person feel you are their Lover. Originally Posted by ESwho'snext?
So all you lovers of the word whore, is it ok for me or anyone to refer to your female loved ones as a whore? Yes or no. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Sure... If they fucks for bucks..err, I mean actively provide the elite courtesan experience. Heh

I'm the actual factual whore in my fam, but we do have alot of cunts.
Sure... If they fucks for bucks..err, I mean actively provide the elite courtesan experience. Heh

I'm the actual factual whore in my fam, but we do have alot of cunts. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
No, the discussion is whether whore is a pejorative. Someone taking offense to you using the word because she thinks it's pejorative and you taking the inane position that the word is absolutely fine and can be applied liberally across all walks of life is what got this wagon train started.

And what kind of bullshit poll is this. You've voted for three different options. Vote early and vote often Chicago machine bullshit?
Is that the discussion? Because this is a whole 'nother thread and I thought the discussion of this one was

Do you get offended when you read the word whore or is called a whore by members here?

Reading comprehension much?
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