How the Republicans slowly went crazy

Article from last year in The Atlantic during the government shutdown about the Admiral, Loopy Lad, Whirly'tard, IBeAnIdiot and the rest of the whackos....

Article here:


It happened slowly, didn’t it? The change in the Republican Party? I don’t know. Maybe it’s nostalgia. There have always been the wild, vicious voices of the right. The devil on the shoulder of the conservative movement that whispers in its ear, “burn it down, burn it down.” But those voices were to be ignored, humored, tolerated, placated, or just deceived. That was the way of things, and we were protected by the obvious: people who believe foolish things tend to be easy to fool.

Then it all changed. The Republican elite caught a ride on the tiger. But the tiger got sick of waiting for the gazelles it was promised, the gazelles that were always one election away. The tiger was hungry and angry and tired of being used and the longer it waited the more appetizing the elite on its back became. So the tiger got a radio station and a news channel. The tiger got organized and mobilized. And finally the tiger realized it didn’t need someone kicking its sides telling it which way to run and who to eat and when to eat and why it wasn’t time to eat and the time to eat would come, don’t worry, you’ll eat soon enough.

So the tiger ate its master and now here we are.

America needs a strong, rational, positive, practical conservative movement. It needs that bulwark against liberal delusion and hubris. It needs a voice that says we are imperfect, that life is complex, that government can create need even as it meets need, that you can’t fix everything and freedom is worth some danger and sorrow. And there are smart, honest conservatives at the ready to be that voice, to help govern practically and sincerely with that voice, but they are drowned out by the guttural scream of craven utopians raging against reality.

This moment in American political life is insane. That a group of narrow-minded zealots could push us to the brink of economic ruin, that they maintain a base of support in their frenzied, quixotic, incompetent gambit, that there is an apparatus that exists to defend this kind of nonsense—it came on us slowly but it is no less an emergency. This is broken. This cannot go on.

And if you can’t see that then it’s not just the world that’s gone mad. You're crazy too.
lustylad's Avatar
And if you can’t see that then it’s not just the world that’s gone mad. You're crazy too. Originally Posted by timpage
And anyone who ends an essay with these words is clearly intolerant of dissenting views and therefore not worth reading, let alone engaging in a serious conversation.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You must be dyslexic, LL.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-17-2014, 04:20 PM
You must be dyslexic, LL. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

apparently ... somehow he forgot to cuss like a 13 year old, and carp about his fantasy ... fucking Trannies
Nice allegory.
Article from last year in The Atlantic during the government shutdown about the Admiral, Loopy Lad, Whirly'tard, IBeAnIdiot and the rest of the whackos....

Article here:


It happened slowly, didn’t it? The change in the Republican Party? I don’t know. Maybe it’s nostalgia. There have always been the wild, vicious voices of the right. The devil on the shoulder of the conservative movement that whispers in its ear, “burn it down, burn it down.” But those voices were to be ignored, humored, tolerated, placated, or just deceived. That was the way of things, and we were protected by the obvious: people who believe foolish things tend to be easy to fool.

Then it all changed. The Republican elite caught a ride on the tiger. But the tiger got sick of waiting for the gazelles it was promised, the gazelles that were always one election away. The tiger was hungry and angry and tired of being used and the longer it waited the more appetizing the elite on its back became. So the tiger got a radio station and a news channel. The tiger got organized and mobilized. And finally the tiger realized it didn’t need someone kicking its sides telling it which way to run and who to eat and when to eat and why it wasn’t time to eat and the time to eat would come, don’t worry, you’ll eat soon enough.

So the tiger ate its master and now here we are.

America needs a strong, rational, positive, practical conservative movement. It needs that bulwark against liberal delusion and hubris. It needs a voice that says we are imperfect, that life is complex, that government can create need even as it meets need, that you can’t fix everything and freedom is worth some danger and sorrow. And there are smart, honest conservatives at the ready to be that voice, to help govern practically and sincerely with that voice, but they are drowned out by the guttural scream of craven utopians raging against reality.

This moment in American political life is insane. That a group of narrow-minded zealots could push us to the brink of economic ruin, that they maintain a base of support in their frenzied, quixotic, incompetent gambit, that there is an apparatus that exists to defend this kind of nonsense—it came on us slowly but it is no less an emergency. This is broken. This cannot go on.

And if you can’t see that then it’s not just the world that’s gone mad. You're crazy too. Originally Posted by timpage

Mean while, you sheep...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
another brilliant comment, Drooly. What does it even mean?
lustylad's Avatar
It happened slowly, didn’t it? The change in the Democratic Party? I don’t know. Maybe it’s nostalgia. There have always been the wild, vicious voices on the left. The devil on the shoulder of the liberal movement that whispers in its ear, “burn it down, burn it down.” But those voices were to be ignored, humored, tolerated, placated, or just deceived. That was the way of things, and we were protected by the obvious: people who believe foolish things tend to be easy to fool.

Then it all changed. The Democratic elite caught a ride on the tiger. But the tiger got sick of waiting for the gazelles it was promised, the gazelles that were always one election sweep away. The tiger was hungry and angry and tired of being used and the longer it waited the more appetizing the elite on its back became. So the tiger got a news channel (MSNBC) because the elite's mainstream media wasn't crazy enough. The tiger got organized and mobilized into the Occupy Wall Street rabble. And finally the tiger realized it didn’t need someone kicking its sides telling it which way to run and who to eat and when to eat and why it wasn’t time to eat and the time to eat would come, don’t worry, you’ll eat soon enough.

So the tiger ate its master and now here we are.

America needs a strong, rational, positive, practical liberal movement. It needs that bulwark against conservative delusion and hubris. It needs a voice that says we are imperfect, that life is complex, that government can sometimes assist even as it remains limited, that you can fix some things (like reducing welfare in the '90s) and freedom is worth some danger and sorrow. And there are smart, honest liberals at the ready to be that voice, to help govern practically and sincerely with that voice, but they are drowned out by the guttural screams of craven Sandinistas like Elizabeth Warren, Bill de Blasio, Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama raging against reality.

This moment in American political life is insane. That a group of narrow-minded zealots could push us to the brink of economic ruin with runaway spending, taxes and regulations, that they maintain a base of support in their frenzied, quixotic, incompetent gambit, that there is an apparatus that exists to defend this kind of nonsense—it came on us slowly but it is no less an emergency. This is broken. This cannot go on.
Originally Posted by timpage

Fixed that for ya.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Article from last year in The Atlantic during the government shutdown about the Admiral, Loopy Lad, Whirly'tard, IBeAnIdiot and the rest of the whackos....

Article here:


It happened slowly, didn’t it? The change in the Republican Party? I don’t know. Maybe it’s nostalgia. There have always been the wild, vicious voices of the right. The devil on the shoulder of the conservative movement that whispers in its ear, “burn it down, burn it down.” But those voices were to be ignored, humored, tolerated, placated, or just deceived. That was the way of things, and we were protected by the obvious: people who believe foolish things tend to be easy to fool.

Then it all changed. The Republican elite caught a ride on the tiger. But the tiger got sick of waiting for the gazelles it was promised, the gazelles that were always one election away. The tiger was hungry and angry and tired of being used and the longer it waited the more appetizing the elite on its back became. So the tiger got a radio station and a news channel. The tiger got organized and mobilized. And finally the tiger realized it didn’t need someone kicking its sides telling it which way to run and who to eat and when to eat and why it wasn’t time to eat and the time to eat would come, don’t worry, you’ll eat soon enough.

So the tiger ate its master and now here we are.

America needs a strong, rational, positive, practical conservative movement. It needs that bulwark against liberal delusion and hubris. It needs a voice that says we are imperfect, that life is complex, that government can create need even as it meets need, that you can’t fix everything and freedom is worth some danger and sorrow. And there are smart, honest conservatives at the ready to be that voice, to help govern practically and sincerely with that voice, but they are drowned out by the guttural scream of craven utopians raging against reality.

This moment in American political life is insane. That a group of narrow-minded zealots could push us to the brink of economic ruin, that they maintain a base of support in their frenzied, quixotic, incompetent gambit, that there is an apparatus that exists to defend this kind of nonsense—it came on us slowly but it is no less an emergency. This is broken. This cannot go on.

And if you can’t see that then it’s not just the world that’s gone mad. You're crazy too. Originally Posted by timpage

I'm going to look it up but I'd give you a fail for not naming the author.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Jon Lovett, former speech writer for Barack Obama. Great source, the failing grade stands as you intentionally hid the source.
Right. I provided a link that you had to click to see his name at the top of the article. Dunce.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
But you never said who he was. You still flunk.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I am begining to think that the solution may be to establish a third party and allow the Republican party to die a natural deth.
Unlike the Democrats that were willing to embrace the Communists, Socialists, progrssives, and any and all disenfranchised goups the republicans, that is the establishment Republicans, are fighting to remain sufficiently pure so that they will force out all others. The leaders of the republican s are content to play second fiddle to the Democrats and retain the modicum of poser while allowing the Democrats to destroy the nation. The Republican establishment is willing to compromise with the Democrats but not with those in their own party. This will be the death knell of the Republicans and will be paramount to conceding defeat to the Democrats.

The refusal of the so called evangelical Republicans to support the cult derived candidate Mormon, Mitt Romney, as well as those that refused to vote for a Democrat in a Republican suit effectively handed the second term to Obama. Combine that with the establishment Republicans fear that conservative candidates with libertarian leanings will actually reduce the size of government and thus reduce the so called power of the politician scares the fucking shit out of them.

The reality is that by the time a new party congeals it may be too late to save this nation from the destruction inflicted by the Democrat party and all of it's commie-socialist-progressive groups.
Progressives ARE the establishment today, and the left represents the “status quo” in today’s political environment. Conservatives are the “radicals” fighting the system.

The liberal mind is morally-void, calls black white and white black , is arrogantly incompetent, oblivious to it’s own decay, and most "journalists" wallow in a self-serving circle jerk in celebration of it all.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-18-2014, 09:47 AM
Progressives ARE the establishment today, and the left represents the “status quo” in today’s political environment. Conservatives are the “radicals” fighting the system.

The liberal mind is morally-void, calls black white and white black , is arrogantly incompetent, oblivious to it’s own decay, and most "journalists" wallow in a self-serving circle jerk in celebration of it all. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

the system...


how'd the right wing system work out when it boiled down to reelecting their candidates ?