Swalwell out - Steyer to make bid

Just as you think the field may finally start to narrow with Eric Swalwell dropping out, it is said Tom Steyer may announce his bid for the Presidency as early as today.

While a blip on the radar of the Dems, Swalwell's loss is pretty inconsequential, but Steyer's entrance could be a significant blow to fundraising of some of the other candidates.

It will be interesting seeing his impact if he chooses to run.
lustylad's Avatar
Better to have a swell wall than a swallwell.
I hope they nail that asshole Steyer for racism and for not paying enough in taxes.
  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2019, 06:08 AM
DPST powers that be are most unhappy with Steyer - they see, I hope correctly, that Steyer will drain votes from a DPST candidate much as ross Perot did from George HW Bush when running against Clinton.
DPST's want his money - but not his candidacy.Good to see the self-immolation of the DPST's nut cases.

Steyer is a Kalifornia ultra-liberal who will not play well outside of the west coast and NY.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
was he the guy who campaigned to have california split up?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
We should get together and nominate an eccie guy or gal based on supporting legalization of hobby.
Can't do any worse than what some of the dims will do.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I hope they nail that asshole Steyer for racism and for not paying enough in taxes. Originally Posted by friendly fred
How’s that working for the other guy?
How’s that working for the other guy? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
As always you have nothing to substantiate your nonsense, but TDS talking points are you ALWAYS your narrative.
Where's Mama Obama? What happened to the groundswell wanting her to run?
bambino's Avatar
Where's Mama Obama? What happened to the groundswell wanting her to run? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Have you’ve seen Mama Obama lately? She’s as big as a defensive end.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That didn't keep Trump from winning, did it?
bambino's Avatar
That didn't keep Trump from winning, did it? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Of course not. And she won’t keep him from winning if she decides to put her fat ass in the race.
How’s that working for the other guy? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Why don't you ask him?

Steyer is still an asshole - but he might even be proud of that.
Have you’ve seen Mama Obama lately? She’s as big as a defensive end. Originally Posted by bambino
Yeah, but her hatred for America is front and center with the views of the Democratic Socialist party. Plus she can kneel with the best of them.