What age do you prefer to play with?

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 08-20-2009, 07:35 PM
Ok guys how old are you and what age do you prefer to play or lay with ??????
40s and prefer 20s to 50s? You?
Indiana Bone's Avatar
I'm 41 and i prefer 18 to 50
  • C0896
  • 08-20-2009, 08:36 PM
After reading Kelly's picture post I figured out my problem..... I like them all and really have a hard time deciding

While initially I am drawn to younger girls I recently feel more comfortable with the +30 crowd. I have found that I seem to connect better with them and it feels more personal and / or mutual. I am in my mid 30's so that could be why.
TexEngnr's Avatar
I am 55. I prefer 35 to 40s.

More mature women are, well . . . more mature. It seems to be more about passion and skills than just sheer enthusiasm.
Between "legal" and "eligible for social security retirement" to both.

It's all good. It just depends on what needs I am trying to get met.
Who I like to see is over 30 to early 40’s.

As for my age… let’s just say I am old enough to know better but young enough not to care.

** Off topic but niiiiiccceee avatar cpi.
Kelly TNT's Avatar
27 and 12

Wait...what was the question?

Oh, right right...

Ummm.....3blah blah....and 12-....you don't look like my Pa Pa.
(Okay, so...maybe not 12.......12 1/2.)

~Kelly TNT
1thatgotaway's Avatar
Kelly, I may not be 12 but i do act my shoe size at times.

I'm about my age and like the same.

SASpurfan's Avatar
I recently turned 60 and prefer ladies 35 to 50; actually, age is a minor determinant for me - I first desire a lady who is mature, sensual and confident.

I turn the big five-oh this year. I generally prefer mid 30's to about my age. I occasionally get a hankering or tempted by an ad for a "young-un" but usually end up realizing why I love the more mature ladies.
I'm 57 and I play with late 20's to late 40's, but I love to play with any lady I can connect with. That's important to me.
I am mid 40's, I have an over 30 rule that I can't seem to follow. My success rate under 30 is pretty damn low (there are some notable exceptions) but I keep plugging away.
Chevalier's Avatar
I'm 57. I prefer 28, 34, 38, 40, and 45.

Nothing magical about those numbers. I just thought of a few of my favorite ladies and guessed their age.
smokeater's Avatar
I perfer a mature woman and the closer to my age the better. If there was a provider my own age and in good shape I would pay her a visit. As for my age, let's say I qualify as a baby boomer.