Have anyone tried Soothe or Zeel? Any special items can be expected?

Just wonder if they can offer sth off the menu.
I'm surprised no one has tried or even thought about it?
I'm about to try and cash out extra tip since the tip is included and I would have to call in to add additional tip according to the site. Will report back with findings but this is a crap shoot lol.
How was it?
..and no I didn't shart when i say I gambled and lost.

The lady who came was a fairly young black woman, but unattractive anyway. I tried to bring up the conversation, but she was very professional about it all.

She did mention that clients will be more likely to request those services if they request an appointment after 11pm. If I had to guess that might be your best shot. Worse comes worst you get a massage out of it.