Orgasm Benefits

  • Chloe
  • 05-10-2010, 11:57 PM
Take this home to the wife! Or better yet bring it to my bedroom when I come to Houston

"Besides the obvious (and wonderful) benefits of being extremely pleasurable and leaving her feeling sexually fulfilled, an orgasm also has some other positive effects:
  • Orgasms Reduce stress and relieve tension. The build-up and release of an orgasm relives tensions in the nervous system.
  • Orgasms help her sleep. Endorphins released during orgasm act as a natural tranquilizer and have a calming effect on the body.
  • Orgasms help with cravings. Sexual stimulation and orgasms activate a natural amphetamine that regulates her appetite.
  • Orgasms are an effective pain reliever. Got a headache? It’s not a reason not to have sex. Instead, it’s a reason too have sex. Endorphins released during sex and orgasm can greatly alleviate minor pains such as headaches and menstrual cramps.
  • Orgasms are good for her skin. Working up a good sweat during sex helps to flush out toxins and also releases oils that nourish the skin. The deep breathing and elevated heart rate during orgasm causes oxygen circulation throughout the body which helps to keep organs and tissue healthy."
  • MeFan
  • 05-11-2010, 12:06 AM
Would you pay me if I do it for you?
DallasRain's Avatar
great post!!!and so true!!!
"Orgasms are good for her skin." -- Especially when you rub it in! rub it in.
surcher's Avatar
Take this home to the wife! Or better yet bring it to my bedroom when I come to Houston

"Besides the obvious (and wonderful) benefits of being extremely pleasurable and leaving her feeling sexually fulfilled, an orgasm also has some other positive effects:
  • Orgasms Reduce stress and relieve tension. The build-up and release of an orgasm relives tensions in the nervous system.
  • Orgasms help her sleep. Endorphins released during orgasm act as a natural tranquilizer and have a calming effect on the body.
  • Orgasms help with cravings. Sexual stimulation and orgasms activate a natural amphetamine that regulates her appetite.
  • Orgasms are an effective pain reliever. Got a headache? It’s not a reason not to have sex. Instead, it’s a reason too have sex. Endorphins released during sex and orgasm can greatly alleviate minor pains such as headaches and menstrual cramps.
  • Orgasms are good for her skin. Working up a good sweat during sex helps to flush out toxins and also releases oils that nourish the skin. The deep breathing and elevated heart rate during orgasm causes oxygen circulation throughout the body which helps to keep organs and tissue healthy."
Originally Posted by Chloe

When you visit I'd love to positively affect for you for free!

After all, I wouldn't want to charge for making you feel better!
simplegent's Avatar
My thought on this are always as follows - "The Art To Making A Woman comfortable - find her buttons slowly. Once you find them, make it your mission to ease her slowly into and out of uphoria."

In short - GFE = BFE.

But thats just how I am and how I have always been.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Sooo when will you be here?!