Review of The FUCK fest DELITE

Dallas TX Sat. Poker night Jan. 23rd 2016
This was on my private fun time and not for work.
I put an ISO up for someone to go only got young ones that responded asking me a million questions that I did not know the answers to at the time. OR THINKING IT WAS SOME KIND OF SCAM... first of all with having a rep to uphold of working and being part of this community and the old aspd for 16 yrs I WOULDN'T DARE SCAM ANYONE.... and that's not my cup of tea I was not raised like that.,but any who..
I went alone with a male friend of mine from yrs back.. I LOST A FOOTBALL BET and it was his birthday. SO he wanted to go and needed a woman or 2 on his arm.
He knows me well I love women especially women with darker skin than mine. So he won one hell of a bet. Being a 36 yr old black male with a woman catcher on his arm......LOL
If you go in at 10 you drop 20 bucks less If your a single man I think it's 100 read site for that info
I believe you have to register through email first no matter what, I did.

you bring your own booze any kind and as much as you want but you have to get sodas and juice from's not too high it's ok
THE PLACE is very social and roomey. Dance floor, upstairs ,movie theater, round bed , side beds sitting area,fresh linen,
Place to play roulette and black jack it was poker night.

(I HAVE BEEN to swingers camps and clubs all over the world Hedinisum. In Jamaica.
Sansushis. In 1999 when it was on Lemon when it was on Walnut then it moved to some hotel ) AND NEVER HAD I SEEN SUCH A WIDE VARIETY AND EQUAL AMOUNT OF WIDE SECT RUMS OF PEOPLE.. You had your rich, your barely making it, your old as great grandad and me maw, young spinners medium age , cougars, big, skinny, smedium. Beatiful, pretty not so much every walks of life. Every culture I think was represented. I SPOKE TO MEN AND WOMEN FROM ALL OVER Mexican Russians Indians both kinds the feather kind and the dot kind...Lol. German, I mean it was world wide up in there. THE ATTIRE ARRANGED IN AS MUCH VARAITY you had suits and evening gowns too just but ass naked to costumes to jeans to shorts straight women, bi women, curious women, straight butch, women there just to please there man, Working girls but if you have your game tight with plenty of booze might not need them because it was over run with enough drunk freaks...,LOL

Ladies the next time you get a free chance and your BI to get a free pass to go you should jump on it to get hip on some free game and enjoy all your eyes can feast.I AM SURE you can learn how to work in there. i saw it wit my own eyes.I will be going when I'm in Dallas every chance I get. I GUESS I'm needing to find me a Dallas female boo since mine moved away.
She needs to have her 2016 papers. Real talk not as easy to just strap a condom on a female plus if she's mine she's mine... Want to KNOW everything is right....

MY ONLY fault with the place was it did not have queen pillows for all the dick sucking and PUSSY licking I had on white net stocking that where black at the knees when it was shut down time.. YOU MUST BRING YOUR OWN PROTECTION BRING TRIPLE THE AMOUNT YOU THINK YOU MIGHT NEED....And that there where not alot of after parties flaunted. I BELIEVE WHEN I Go I'll Have to have A place ready for one cause that was so much fun I needed it to last until noon the next day.. Well It lasted till 8 a.m. at my camp...
I give it 4 thumbs up on the Plethora of types of people and not too many of one type....You had loud meek strong weak more less you had it all.
And Ladies you want to get on my list to go when I'm in town P.M. me
oldmarine's Avatar
I have been wanting to go to Collette but I have no one to go with. Yes, I could pay someone for the evening but my budget won't support it, sigh.