'Cheap sex' is making men give up on marriage

Very interesting article on the decline of marriage. Of course cheap is relative on this board. Thoughts?

I would disagree. I think one of the byproducts of the feminist movement was the shift in the male/female dynamic to incorporate a passive aggressive style of shame and belittlement toward the men.
TV shows like Everyone Loves Raymond & King of Queens are the norm now depicting the Men as oafs and the women as smartass taskmasters.

I point to the last sentences of the article attached..
“In the domain of sex and relationships, men will act as nobly as women collectively demand,” he writes. “This is an aggravating statement for women to read, no doubt. They do not want to be responsible for ‘raising’ men. But it is realistic.”

When Women change the dynamic in such a way that men no longer feel respected and are publicly shamed - well, men in their 40's and up have many more options than women in their 40's and up.
Cheap sex isn't the cause of the divorce rate, it's just a nice alternative.

The harsh reality is that older men are 'distinguished' and no-one wants a 45 year old grandmother with square ass mom-jeans.
They should have thought of that before they got so comfortable laughing at us.

There is also the reality that there are more and more adult males and fewer Men, these days. Many don't understand the difference, some who do feel "why make the effort - if its not appreciated"
I don't personally feel this is true. There are men in this world who haven't stepped outside the box of marriage, hobby or casual, and their marriage still fails. Then you have couples who are open, like swingers or polygamist, and their marriage excels. From conversations with some of my closer clientel they feel being in the hobby makes them a better man/partner. They are able to achieve what they want sexually, demanding less physically from their partner whether sexually or sexual activities and focus more on the more intimate parts. To each their own on this subject, I'm sure it will be touchy for some but this is my opinion
Reminds me of this, although you might need a translator.


I would disagree. I think one of the byproducts of the feminist movement was the shift in the male/female dynamic to incorporate a passive aggressive style of shame and belittlement toward the men.
TV shows like Everyone Loves Raymond & King of Queens are the norm now depicting the Men as oafs and the women as smartass taskmasters.

I point to the last sentences of the article attached..
“In the domain of sex and relationships, men will act as nobly as women collectively demand,” he writes. “This is an aggravating statement for women to read, no doubt. They do not want to be responsible for ‘raising’ men. But it is realistic.”

When Women change the dynamic in such a way that men no longer feel respected and are publicly shamed - well, men in their 40's and up have many more options than women in their 40's and up.
Cheap sex isn't the cause of the divorce rate, it's just a nice alternative.

The harsh reality is that older men are 'distinguished' and no-one wants a 45 year old grandmother with square ass mom-jeans.
They should have thought of that before they got so comfortable laughing at us.

There is also the reality that there are more and more adult males and fewer Men, these days. Many don't understand the difference, some who do feel "why make the effort - if its not appreciated" Originally Posted by daggajones
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Sex isn't cheap. And it if were, I could have it more often. But the price keeps going up.
A recent study showed that college-age people are not having more sex, they are having the same amount of sex, but with more partners. Sex is no more available than before.

The author of the FOXNews article indicates that young men no longer need to get an education and make more money to get lucky. Therefore, they aren't viable in the marriage market.

But, I'm not sure I agree with the idea of men being less marketable for marriage, as much as I think less people care about marriage. "Long-term" means a year or so in a relationship, as opposed to "till death do us part".

Additionally, gender roles have changed. Housewives are a thing of the past. Empowerment of females has reduced their desire for marriage, as they seek to make their own destinies, independent of husbands. Males don't pursue careers, since they don't have to support a wife & kids. Besides, they can live in mom's house till they're senior citizens. "Adult males" (good description daggajones) are not worth marrying. They're lazy and do not invest in relationships. Narcissism rules like never before.

So, I don't think "cheap sex" is to blame for the loss of marriage. Marriage is just not a goal any longer. Self-gratification is the goal. This latest generation will find women working their asses off with nothing but worthless males to choose from. But, that should solve the population crisis, because no gal is giving sex to a loser.

(Maybe, I should invest in the robotic sex doll market. But, only the male dolls. These boys will never be able to afford one. And, I'm too old to be a gigolo.)
oldmarine's Avatar
Sex isn't cheap. And it if were, I could have it more often. But the price keeps going up. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
My thoughts, exactly.
Sex isn't cheap. And it if were, I could have it more often. But the price keeps going up. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
I disagree. Sex is very cheap. Quality, however, continues to rise in value. Big difference
Mya_love's Avatar
I disagree cheap hoes have not be to do with how the man feeling in his relationship.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Being married to a gold digging, crazy bitch made me give up on marriage NOT cheap sex. Speaking of which, where are you finding cheap sex... SWs, Moco??
texassapper's Avatar
Getting married costs a man a helluva lot more than it will ever cost a woman. Now that women are seen as more than equal partners in a marriage (Cliff Huxtable was probably the last competent TV husband and only because he was black). If I was 20 years old today, no way I'd hitch my wagon to one woman again. After dating some 30-40 year olds, all I see are embittered, pissed off broads, who're still mad that can't have it all. I see my SBs in their 20's and they are fucking happy go lucky girls who don't understand why guys just fuck and then leave.

Feminism has ruined marriage for both men and women... but then again that was always the goal, wasn't it? Make us all equal...yeah, equally miserable.
milfy2002's Avatar

Feminism not only ruined marriage but also fucked up the economy and is currently creating generation upon generation of adult men who have no clue how to be a real man because they've been raised by a busy single mom and T.V. so they don't have any real role models.

On topic, the pill and "cheap sex" are intertwined with this whole process, not to mention the current day onslaught on the traditional family.

The hobby, on the other hand, has been keeping men sane and wives happy since the dawn of time.

goodolboy's Avatar

Feminism not only ruined marriage but also fucked up the economy and is currently creating generation upon generation of adult men who have no clue how to be a real man because they've been raised by a busy single mom and T.V. so they don't have any real role models.

On topic, the pill and "cheap sex" are intertwined with this whole process, not to mention the current day onslaught on the traditional family.

The hobby, on the other hand, has been keeping men sane and wives happy since the dawn of time.

Originally Posted by milfy2002
Pretty much.
2short@desky's Avatar

Feminism not only ruined marriage but also fucked up the economy and is currently creating generation upon generation of adult men who have no clue how to be a real man because they've been raised by a busy single mom and T.V. so they don't have any real role models.

On topic, the pill and "cheap sex" are intertwined with this whole process, not to mention the current day onslaught on the traditional family.

The hobby, on the other hand, has been keeping men sane and wives happy since the dawn of time.

Originally Posted by milfy2002
Every word is true. My SO has two sons, late twenties and early 30's..nothing but wusses. Anytime something doesn't go their way it's "MOM!!" And go on this childish rant about how their world is going to end.
Sex isn't cheap. And it if were, I could have it more often. But the price keeps going up. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot